Chapter 10

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It had been a while since Harry had argued with the elder members of the Black family, although he was in actuality way older than them. His mother had chosen to ignore and glare at him, he hadn't seen his grandfather much but Harry presumed that the man was thinking about his words. His father was different, from what Harry understood his father was proud of him for making his arguments.

Probably because Harry had used the business example to make him understand, but his father didn't seem that good at expressing his emotions so he settled with just giving Harry an occasional smile and nod.

Harry also took Regulus to Diagon Alley to shop for his supplies, he brought Sirius along with them and nothing bad happened, for once. They had went to the bank, brought their supplies and ate some food before they left.

Harry and Sirius had also sent letters to their friends; Harry helped talk with Lily about her problems with her sister. Although what Harry really wanted to do was find her sister and set her straight but he restrained himself. Harry also studied with Regulus and taught him a little so he'd be prepared by the time they got back to Hogwarts.

Soon the time arrived for them to go back to Hogwarts, Harry took his brothers to the train station. The trio soon found an empty compartment and sat in it, they placed their trunks overhead and sat down. As they were waiting for the others to arrive, the three began talking.

"Harry" Regulus said as he sat on Harry's right "what's up with them?" Regulus gestured to the girls who were looking into their compartment, when they saw Harry looking at them they began reacting.

One girl squeaked and ran, the other blushed and ran, one waved and slowly walked off while the fourth fainted. Sirius who sat opposite Regulus tried not to laugh while Harry just smile and turned back to his younger brother.

"That my young friend were a group of girls" Harry said "the first thing you should know, is that as a male, you will never understand them. But I'm guessing they were probably looking at us"

"You more than us" Regulus said

"Excuse me" Sirus said "I'm very sure that one girl waved at me"

"I don't blame them" Harry grinned "they're only human and we're the 'Brothers Black'"

"True" Sirius smiled "we are a brilliant sight to look at, me more than you two but we are brilliant"

"Oh Merlin" Regulus sighed "his egos gotten bigger since he came to Hogwarts"

"Really?" Harry raised an eyebrow "I hadn't noticed"

"Hi guys" Bellatrix entered their compartment followed by Andromeda 0, Bellatrix sat beside Harry while Andromeda sat next to Sirius

"Hi guys" Harry greeted "looking forward to Hogwarts Andy?"

"Yes" Andromeda smiled "Bells told me all about it"

"What house do you think you'll be in?" Regulus asked "I think I'll be in Ravenclaw or Slytherin"

"Same" Andy nodded "though I sort of want to be in Slytherin, if the stories Bellatrix has told me are true then it'll be really interesting."

"What stories?" Sirius asked

"Just Harry scaring the crap out of the rest of Slytherin's" Bellatrix grinned

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