Chapter 3

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Harry was now eleven years old and walking up Diagon alley with Sirius and Regulus and Kreatcher, he had received his Hogwarts letter and they had all decided to go shopping. Harry had to convince his parents that they could go on their own without help, well, he had to convince his mother and Kreatcher assured that he would look after them.

"Okay" Harry said "First stop is Gringotts bank" The four walked up to Gringotts but Harry stopped everyone before they entered.

"What's up Harry?" Sirius asked

"Listen up, we're about to go into the bank, remember when I told you it was run by goblins?" The brothers nodded "Good, now the first thing you need to know is that goblins are very smart, they love money and they're also very dangerous. Most people forget what the goblins are capable of, and treat them like they're nothing.

When we go inside I want you two to stick with me, be respectful and don't talk unless you're spoken to or I tell you to talk. The goblins deserve respect and we're going to show them it, understand?"

"Okay" Regulus nodded


"Fine" Sirius sighed "don't talk and be good"

"Good, now come on" Harry led them inside.

He saw Sirius and Regulus take in the interior and look at the goblins with interest, Sirius looked like he wanted to make a comment about how the goblins looked like but refrained from doing so. Regulus held onto Harry's hand as he was a bit nervous, not that Harry minded, Sirius wasn't as nervous but still held onto Harry's sleeve.

They stopped in front of a teller and Harry greeted him using the goblin language Gobbledegook. Sirius and Regulus looked at their eldest brother like he was crazy but then they saw that the goblin looked quite surprise.

"I hope you don't mind but I will revert back to English" Harry said with a smile "as it seems that my brothers are unable to understand us"

"Yes" The goblin smiled "that would be wise, I've never seen a human bother to learn our language or treat us with respect. Especially the pure-blooded heir to the Black family"

"Well" Harry chuckled "how about this? I will not judge you based on your race and I will treat you with the respect that you deserve and ensure my brothers do so, in exchange you don't judge me or my brothers by the actions of our parents and ancestors."

"You are an interesting human" The Goblin commented "but I will accept your deal, I cannot accept on behalf of the other goblins however. My name is Redstop"

"I am Hadrius Black, with me are my younger brothers Sirius and Regulus, along with our house elf Kreatcher. We'd like to visit my trust vault and I would like to open another vault"

"Open another vault?"

"Yes but I'd like this one to be apart from the Black family, I'd like it if nobody except me and my brothers could access it. You can take the setup cost out of my trust vault."

"That can be done, anything else?"

"Yes, I'd like for my family not to know about it. Any information regarding it should be sent to me and me alone and I request that you disguise them as normal letters to throw off suspicion."

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