Chapter 17

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Hadrius Black, or Harry as he liked to be called, was currently sitting with Ginny at the Ravenclaw table for breakfast.

"So Gin" Harry said "what do you think our next lives will be?"

"Don't know" Ginny shrugged "maybe we'd Vikings"

"Maybe we'd be in a world where aliens and superheroes exist"

"Oh, maybe we could be in a world where you're a male Veela" Ginny suggested "although, with all the attention you attract I'm starting to suspect you already are"

"You're one to talk" Harry replied "anyway, what does it matter? I could look like a prince or lumberjack, you'll still be stuck with me"

"True" Ginny admitted "but I prefer you without a beard, I can see more of you that way"

"I also prefer you without a beard" Harry joked "it just doesn't do it for me"

"Prat" Ginny shook her head in amusement "anyway, what are you planning to do with Dumbledore?"

"He's not really doing anything over than extremely irritating me at the moment" Harry said "he wants me to fight, I'm not going to. At least not his way, by the way do you have any ideas about Tom and his horcruxes?"

"Not yet, the problem is we don't know where they are because they're in different locations from the last time."

"Yeah, last time the diary was with Malfoy and the cup was with Bellatrix but that hasn't happened yet" Harry pointed out "but we do know where the locket, diadem and ring are. Providing he hasn't placed them somewhere else"

"Yeah, we've left it for long enough. We'll go and destroy them this weekend, and then we can work on finding the rest."

"Yeah, we…oh wait, here comes Lilly" Harry smiled as Lily came and sat alongside them "alright Lily?"

"Yeah" Lily said slowly "um, something happened and I figured I should let you guys know"

"Okay?" Harry raised an eyebrow

"Um…me and James" Lily said "we're going out"

"You two are going out?" Ginny smiled

"Finally" Harry sighed "I was wondering when you two would get together, so what happened?"

"He asked me out again and I told him yes" Lily answered

"He finally wore you out?" Harry grinned

"Yes" Lily laughed "he did, but I was actually hoping to ask the two of you for relationship advice. I've never been a person's girlfriend before"

"Okay, no problem" Ginny said "the first thing you should remember is to be honest with each other, you don't have to tell each other everything but if it's important then you should let James know"

"That makes sense" Lily agreed

"Also, don't make him do anything he's uncomfortable with" Harry added "there are plenty of people who have tried to force their partners into becoming people that they're not. Don't do that to James and don't let him do it to you"

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