A Reappearance

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Marinette made it inside her home, "mama, papa I'm back!" No noise, Mari turned to look at the clock, 12:30 Mari nearly jumped out of her skin.

She had gone to the park at 5:56, "how long was that movie?" Mari asked herself, she took of her wet jacket, "I'm soaked through." Mari sighed taking her wet hair out of the pigtails.

Tikki came flying out of mari's room to give her hug, "are you alright? He didn't hurt you did he!?"

"Tikki, tikki calm down!" Tikki hugged her shoulder, "I'm so glad your okay." Mari hugged her kwami back.

"Did mama or papa get worried about me?" Tikki put her little hands on her chin thinking, "no they just thought you went to alya's."

Mari sighed, she started to take off her wet shirt, "I'm exhausted." Mari turned to her draw as she pulled out her pajamas.

A taping on the window made her freeze, "it could just be the rain?" Another tap.

"Just the rain!"


"Just the rain-"

Mari's window flew open and in popped chat blanc, Mari screamed as chat covered her mouth, "shut that pretty mouth before I cataclysm it off!" Mari felt last month's memory's came back to her.

She slowly nodded her head, chat pulled away, "w-what are you doing here? You've been gone a whole month!"

Chat just laughed and threw himself on her sofa, "just came to visit, I saw you went on a date with that lonely kid? What's his name Adrian."

Mari saw red, "how dare you stalk us!" Chat lifted his arms, "sorry princess I couldn't help myself."

Mari felt a draft, she looked to see half her shirt off, "get out I'm changing!" Chat turned his head to her.

"Oh I guess you are, I didn't even know!" Mari grabbed one of her shoes and threw it at him, he quickly grabbed it.

"Too slow!" Mari put back on her wet shirt as she stomped towards chat, "get out!" Chat started to giggle.

"No can do princess the rain out there is catastrophic." Mari tightened her fist, she swinged for him, he quickly catched her fist.

"Calm down princess you'll hurt your knuckles." Mari used her arm that wasn't stuck to swing instead, but he easily catched it too.

"Hah you will never touch this face-" Mari brought up her knee and kicked him the groan, chat fell forward, "shit!"

Mari smiled in victory, "now that I've beaten you get out of my room, you saved me once, I've thanked you now leave!"

Chat turned on his back, "you known your got a good kick and a nice bra!" Mari kicked his face in.

"You perv!" Chat laughed as he quickly got up to doge another of mari's fists or kicks, "I just came to check up on you, your fine so I'll leave you, until the next we meet princess, au revoir."

Chat jumped out the window into the rainy night, Mari fell to her butt, "jeez that was hard work." Tikki came to her shoulder.

"Let's just go to sleep tikki, I don't want to talk about it." Mari finally took off her wet cloths and put some warm cloths on.

"Good night tikki."

"Good night marinette."

|With chat blanc|

Chat landed on a rooftop as his transformation disappeared, plagg landed on Adrian's shoulder, "well know I'm sleepy."

Plagg turned his head to Adrian, "you good kid?" Adrian walked forward before jumping down the roof to his car.

Adrian entered his parked car before staring the engine and driving off, plagg layed on the seat and started to close his eyes.

Adrian lifted one hand to his face, his face felt like it was burning off, he didn't mean to see Mari half dressed, plagg was the reason for the flirtations.

I'm burning up, I'm going to have to have a long cold shower

Adrian took a sharp left making plagg fall of his seat waking him up, "Adrian be careful!"

The agreste Mansion was coming up, Adrian pulled into the drive, "ah finally home." Plagg flew into Adrian's house.

Adrian took his time walking up the stairs collecting his thoughts, a robot welcomed him home.

No father, no mother, a rich lonely kid living with a murderous kwami that could kill him anytime.

Adrian looked down to his broken ring, plagg told him that all his owners only lasted till 20-30, Adrian was only 18, his last year at highschool.

Adrian walked up to his room as he saw plagg sleeping on his bed, Adrian took of his clothes and made his way to the built in bathroom.

He started the shower with cold water, he quickly went under and dipped his head, Mari looking up at him with a red face was in his mind.

He quickly opened his eyes before washing himself down, he turned the shower off before brushing his teeth.

His mind went to the cinema date before the catastrophe happened, he shook his head before jumping into bed.

"Sugar cube.."

Adrian turned to plagg, weird plagg doesn't like sugary things. Adrian closed his eyes thinking of the bluenette.

|The next day|

The rain before had caused the streets to be a little flooded and slippery, Mari grabbed her bag before running across the road to school.

I can't wait to see Adrian!

Mari made it up the hill before a car was pulled up, the backseat door opened, he turned to the front seat saying something before the car drove off.

Adrian slowly made his way up the steps he saw pink jeans, he looked up to see marinette.

The images of his dream last night came back to him, but he kept his composure, "good morning Adrian."

"Good morning Marinette." He did a little smile before walking inside the school, Alya gasped, "girl! What happened?"

Mari jumped as Alya jumped onto her, "we just went on a little cinema date." Alya screamed of happiness.

"Next time we should all do a double date!" Mari looked to where Adrian left, "he didn't ask me out or anything, it was more of a friend date."

Alya's awed, "that's a shame, he should really though, I think that's the first time he actually smiled and looked at you!"

Mari blushed, "he grabbed my hand yesterday-" Alya started to jump up and down, "girl! Really! Omg."

Mari pulled Alya to class, "you need to tell me all the details." Mari giggled, "I will once class is over."

Mari didn't tell Alya about the chat blanc accident, "what? he rented out the whole cinema just for you two, that's so romantic! And he didn't ask you out at the end?"

Mari shook her head no, "damn if that was me I would be all over him." Mari gasped, "Alya!"

Alya giggled, Alya noticed Adrian coming down the stairs, Alya pushed Mari forward to come face to face with Adrian.

"Alya!" Mari had her head to Alya as Adrian grabbed mari's sleeve, "you okay?" Mari quickly turned her head forward.

"Yes thank you Adrian."

The whole school went silent, everyone was watching, Mari noticed and tried to pull her sleeve away in embarrassment but Adrian kept a tight grip on her.

Alya came over like she did nothing, "hey you two, I was thinking this week, all four of us could go somewhere?" Mari scoffed at her friend.

Nino came over, Mari turned to Adrian, "you don't have to if you don't want to-"


|Next chapter: The Date|

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