Chapter 1

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Harry was getting ready to open his eyes, he was preparing himself for the new world he would enter in. He and Ginny had enjoyed their time together, travelling through world after world. One would think it would eventually get boring, but in truth it didn't. Each world brought new things.

The last world Harry and Ginny were in was not a modern one, in the sense that they were in medieval England. In a rather amusing turn of events, Harry ended up stealing from the rich and gave to the poor. Nobody knew why he had insisted on being called Robin Hood and used a bow and arrow, nobody except Ginny who ended up taking the role of Maid Marian, something they both found to be incredibly amusing.

The world before that Harry had become a pirate alongside Ginny, they escaped being hanged a few times and adopted a 'only steal from gits who deserve it' policy. With that being said they were still feared by other pirates, some were convinced that Harry and Ginny were controlling the seas which was complete hogwash...only Harry could control the seas and that was just elemental magic.

Harry had lost track of how old he was, so had Ginny. They could have been hundreds, thousands or maybe even millions of years old. Fortunately they still managed to keep their own personalities even though they had to play their roles.

Harry wondered what this new world would be like, who would he be born to and would he live a quiet life or another life of adventure? He also used his bond to check if Ginny had been born yet. Sometimes she would be born at the same time as him, sometimes she would be born after or before but usually they never took longer than a year after the first of them were born. The longest they'd gone was Harry waiting five years for Ginny to be born. Occasionally they wouldn't be born into a world and just appear there but if they do then they appear in their original bodies, which can be a blessing and a curse as it can be a bit awkward to suddenly appear in the middle of the battle of Hastings.

It seemed that Ginny wasn't here, at least not yet. Fortunately, they always managed to reunite in whatever world they were in, they always used their soul bond to talk when they were apart and they'd do their best to make their first meeting look like a normal meeting between two people who didn't know each other. Even without the soul bond Harry could just summon her to him as the master of death.

Harry opened his eyes, he saw a white ceiling, so that would likely mean he was in a hospital. That meant he was fortunately not born in a forest or hut like he had in his previous lives. Someone was looking at him, he saw that this was not a doctor but in fact a healer. Fortunately for him, that meant he was born in the magical world, a great bonus as that meant he didn't have to hide his magical powers like he had done before.

The healer looked him over several times before handing him to his father, his father in this world at least. It wasn't James Potter, it was a man with black hair, he had grey eyes and looked right back at Harry. He seemed to be a complicated man as he looked like he was trying not to smile, Harry got the sense that he was uncomfortable showing his emotions but the problem was he was failing miserably. He reminded Harry a little of Sirius.

"He's not even crying," The man observed "I was under the impression that babies cried upon being born." The healer gave Harry another once over and confirmed everything was fine.

"He's perfectly healthy, must probably not be a crier." The healer shrugged. The man didn't look entirely convinced but nodded, he then handed Harry off to someone else. This new person had cold hands, he looked up and was greeted by a familiar face and suddenly realisation hit him like a bludger.

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