5- Get To Know you

Start from the beginning

"Why are you suddenly doing this?" you asked.

"That mother fucker is looking at you" he said annoyingly.

You were trying not to smile.

Is he jealous or what?

"Huh? Who?" you asked. You realize that he was referring to the cashier inside the convenience store.

"Never mind let's head back" he sighed.

You and south went back to your apartment.

Before he left you he asked "Are you free this weekend?

"Yes" you smiled.

"Hmm then go out with me. Be my partner" he said.

"Partner? You mean you're asking me out for a party?" you asked.

He nodded "Yes, exactly mi querida. Then I'm going now I'm looking forward for you" then started the engine.

"W-wait!" you said gripping his arm.

You gave him kissed on his cheek before you went back inside your apartment.

"I'm sorry I took so long"

"Y/N you forgot your wallet how did you pay for these?" Akira asked.

"Uhm m-my friend happened to be there too so I lend some money" you lied.


The group project is done, the professor already checked the group work. And gave it a hundred percent points. Your hassle with your group mates paid off. It's Saturday morning. Now you are problematic again about what to wear. South said he will fetch you outside your apartment around six in the evening.

"Fuck, what to wear?" you asking yourself.

You finally decided to wear the above knee plain maroon sleeveless dress that you bought a month ago. It shows some skin but it's not revealing your cleavage.

"Should I wear heels? Damn it whatever"

You ready your clothes that you're going to wear for tonight. Even the perfume and your purse. Everything is ready, but not yourself. A time has passed it's already three in the afternoon. You took a bath for almost an hour. And do your beauty regimen like skin care.

You wore a very light make up to boosten up your beauty. Also you wore the dress and heels. You are completely set up and ready to go.

Thirty minutes before six o'clock. You heard a knock on your door. You immediately opened it, you know that it's south. He is wearing a tight black shirt with a trousers.

Fuck he's hot.

"H-hi" you greeted him. He is staring at you again from head to toe.

"Linda.." he said and you don't know what is the meaning of it. It's actually a compliment..

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Never mind, let's go" south said offering his arm to you. Going to his car parking in front of  your apartment. He opened the door of his car for you. Then he also hops inside the driving seat.

"Where are we going?" you asked.

"Roppongi. My gang just held a party" he answered.


The ride did not take too long since the roppongi is also part of shibuya. You started to heard a loud noise from the people. They seemed to be having fun. This is actually your first time going in roppongi. You are not scared since south is with you.

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