Double date night

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"A double date?" Sosuke looked over at Rin suspiciously.

"Yeah, why not?" Rin smirked.

"Well, because technically I haven't aske Haru out on a single date yet." He closed his book and set his feet on the floor. Looking up at the smirking shark boy.

"Well, that's on you, come on it will be fun." Rin encouraged.

"Fun, taking Haru near water he can't swim in is your idea of fun?" Sosuke asked.

"It's FROZEN!" Rin shouted.

"A hockey game, are you sure about this?" Sosuke pressed.

"It's for Ren and Ran. I'm sure Makoto already told him about it. You know Haru doesn't miss any of their sports!" Rin was amazed.

"Wait, really?" Sosuke stood up, a small smile on his face. "That's really cute, actually." He chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head imagining Haru with kids. It wasn't something he thought would go well together.

"So, are you in then?" Rin asked, pulling Sosuke from his thoughts.

"Yeah, uh sure." Sosuke smiled.

Two days later they were on a train. Haru stood before Sosuke holding a bag in one hand and the handrail in the other. He looked good in his dark jeans and white sweater. The way it brought out his eyes was pretty impressive.

"You're staring." Haru muttered.

"Sorry, but you look really good." Sosuke smiled. Haru huffed. Sosuke reached over and put his hand on Haru's back. He leaned in to whisper in his ear. Makoto was watching from across the train.

"Haru smiles around him, did you notice?" he asked Rin who was leaning back against him, not bothering to hold onto anything. Makoto was holding him in place with one long arm around his waist.

"Yeah, fucking ass. We have been his friends for like ever, and he smiles at that dick!" Rin snickered.

"I think it's cute." Makoto grinned.

"Sosuke and Haru?" Rin titled his head up to look at the taller teen. Makoto kissed the tip of his nose.

"No, you getting all possessive over Haru." Makoto giggled. Rin couldn't tear his eyes away from the cute way Makoto's green eyes crinkled.

"Yeah." He muttered his cheeks heating up as he looked away. "What's in the bag, do you think?" he asked.

"Haru always brings a gift for the twins and one for mom." Makoto stated.

"What? Like every time he comes to visit?" Rin asked. Makoto nodded.

"Sometimes it's just a simple sweet, like brownies or cookies he made. Other times it's a present he came across that he thought they would like." Makoto stated. Rin slipped his hand down to catch Makoto's fingers. He laced his in with them.

"Really, I never saw Haru as being thoughtful. It's kind of creepy." Rin shivered then chuckled when he saw Sosuke kiss Haru and Haru's face flame red. The train slide to a stop of squealing breaks as it pulled into the station.

Haru was the first off. He held Sosuke's hand while they waited for Makoto to push his way through the crowd dragging Rin behind him. Rin stumbled over someone's bag, Makoto placed his free hand on his chest to keep him on his feet.

"Thanks." Rin muttered.

"All set?" Sosuke asked.

"We are going to eat first, right?" Rin asked.

"Of course. Haru picked out the restaurant." Makoto stated.

"So it has mackerel." Rin and Sosuke said together.

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