"Oh Hbomb knows too." All eyes turned to Tommy and he shrugged. "You guys were being bitches and Hbomb asked about it." The Angel sighed and rubbed his eyes.

"How many people knew before I did?" Themis grimaced and Wilbur hummed.

"Me, Tommy, Themis, Captain Puffy I assume, Nihachu I assume, and I think that's it. Oh I guess Warper too but he looked into the future for that so it wasn't really Themis's fault there." Themis looked between Tommy and Wilbur and huffed.

"How did you two know?" Wilbur pursed his lips and smiled.

"Caught you on camera and showed Tommy so he didn't say anything about it." Themis looked at Tommy and Tommy nodded. Themis smiled slightly and The Angel's wings flapped angrily.

"You'd think that would be something you'd tell me. Who is this friend?" Nobody spoke up and all three of them looked at each other. Tommy shook his head and Wilbur mimicked him. Themis sighed in relief and Tommy looked at The Angel.

"We've all taken a vow of silence, actually. So, sorry boss man." The Angel did NOT like that answer. He was good at concealing his anger in all fairness though.

"None of you are going out tonight. In fact, unless on patrol or requested for a meeting, none of you are so much as leaving this floor for a week. Do I make myself clear?" Tommy's mouth slacked open and the other two started protesting. Tommy was already having a shitty day, and now this? The Angel didn't own him, he couldn't make him do shit. Nope, this was the last straw. Tommy stood up and glared at The Angel. He had no right to yell at a hero but he was pissed and The Angel was just so annoying. Whatever he did, he shouldn't yell. That'd get him in so much shit.

"You don't own me. Our agreement was you wouldn't force me to do anything, including stay here. You've just gone back on that. I'm done." The Angel looked shocked at Tommy's stern tone and Tommy grabbed his phone and charger and walked to the elevator. Wilbur realized what was going on and ran over to Tommy.

"Tommy- no you're still hurt. You can't leave yet. What if something happens to you?" Wilbur put his hand on Tommy's shoulder as Tommy hit the button for the elevator. This poor elevator got so much use in a day. Tommy shrugged out of Wilbur's grip and glared at him.

"Then that's my problem. Not yours. I'll be back to work next week, stay the fuck away from me until then." Wilbur looked hurt and the elevator door opened. Tommy walked in and took one last look at the floor he'd stayed on for the past week and a half. God, they were so annoying he lasted less than 2 weeks. Tommy rolled his eyes and pressed the button for the first floor. The door closed on Wilbur and Tommy sighed in the elevator. He texted Tubbo that he was coming home early and Tubbo texted back that he'd be waiting for him.

Tommy got to the apartment without any new injuries but someone had tried to pickpocket him and then punched him in the gut when they didn't find anything on him. So it was entirely possible they reopened his stitches but he didn't wanna look just in case they did. He just limped to the apartment as fast as he could and hoped for the best. It took an hour and a half. Tommy didn't even want to climb the stairs so he texted Tubbo that he was in the lobby and Tubbo came rushing down. Tubbo saw him and ran over.

"Tommy! What happened to you? Come on, let's get you upstairs." Tubbo wrapped Tommy's arm around his shoulder and put his hand on Tommy's hip, walking him up the stairs. "I had Ranboo come home in case something happened. I'm glad I did now." Tommy leaned against Tubbo and looked down. Yeah he was bleeding again. He should find out his blood type. He was definitely going to need it eventually. Oh yeah, Tubbo asked him a question.

"Some fucker punched me. Got me in just the wrong spot." Tubbo opened the door to their apartment and walked him over to the couch. Ranboo appeared from the kitchen and ran over as Tubbo was helping Tommy sit down.

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