chapter nineteen

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y/n Sat up fast as I look around it was a floating statue on top of it has the electro archon on it aether came up to me and helped me up "Are you okay paimon thought you had died" she said with a worry on her voice "I'm fine all I could remember is you touching a statue and then where here" I said dusting my clothes off " alright since we're here let go to the house" I said while smiling at them.

After a long walk, we finally made it to Hanamizaka village. We walked around the village and came across a house that was on top of a hill where aunt Kaede lived before we could go inside, we saw Kaede walk out of the house "oh my y/n, aether and paimon oh where Mika?" she asks while tilting her head a bit "oh um well their a situation going on down in mondstadt someone frame me for the things I never did."

"oh dear, what happened" as we were in an office drinking tea, I told her the story, "what, how can they frame you if they didn't have proof."

"Apparently, they did have proof So many people, even aether, said that they saw me attack them. Of course, they didn't believe me, but I'm glad that aether and paimon still trust me," I said while smiling "yeah, paimon knows that y/n would never attack us."

"so, Kaede do you have any idea who could frame me," y/n asks as Kaede summons a book. She opened it and put it on the table "hmm, let's see, maybe it could be a clone." Paimon said, looking at aether, "Like what happens to us on dragonspine" aether looked at me while paimon floated by me

"Speak of the electro archon. Something happened to me in the snowy mountains before I joined the group. I saw a person with the same look as me, but I couldn't tell. When I followed them, they were gone. The only thing was a blood trail, so I brushed it off until, in the end, I followed the blood trail, and it led me to a dark cave. I didn't go in but saw the same person on top of the mountains before I left."

"blood trail?" Kaede said as she flipped through the page. The book floated up by itself as she scanned the page faster. While it flipped, it dropped onto a ripped page with a plant drawing.

"I'm sorry, dear, look like my vision isn't working that much," Kaede said as aether got up and put the cup in the sink "it's fine."

"ooh dear, I forgot that the kamisato clan has a dinner party. I also heard it starting tomorrow."

"that's it!" y/n said, slamming their hand on the table as they looked at aether "we're going to that dinner party. I bet the most important people are going to be their"

"But," Kaede started, "you need to wear fancy, and you don't even have a party invitation," Kaede said as she drank her tea "is that what the paper for aether ended up getting it when we were coming here," paimon said as aether pulled out the invitations.

"aether, you're a lifesaver," I said as I grasped his hand together. We shared a glaze as we both glanced away. Then, our faces turned a pink hue "right, anyways, you only have like ten minutes to pick out an outfit. Now go to the city and shop."

"wait but-" aether said before Kaede cut him off "no but no, wait for y/n now both of you go," Kaede said as she pushed us out the door "look like we were were going to the city," I said as we walked down the hill "do you think ei would know about this fame" aether ask "it wouldn't hurt but ask beside it not all about ei it whom we gonna see at this party," y/n said while paimon and aether share a glance.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

It was the next day. Finally, everyone was ready for the kamisato clan dinner party aether was wearing a black suit with a white vest that went well with his red wine tie. He was waiting for them outside y/n door "wow, you two look super cute," Kaede said as she grasped onto aether's hand. "I just know that everyone would fall in love with you" Kaede smiled brightly, making aether a bit uncomfortable.

On the other hand, y/n was in their room brushing their h/l h/c hair. After they were done, they went into the Hall to meet eyes with aether "you look umm very adorable," they said as y/n looked away, hiding their pink hue on their cheek "you look adorable too" when he said that, that made y/n blush even more "let's just go already were gonna be late" y/n said walking out the door. After a bit, we finally made it to the house of the kamisato clan aether, and paimon made a plan beforehand and surprisingly got replaced with Kaede plain.

"right now, you need to find five out of ten people. First, your target is lady guuji, known as yae Miko. She is the sneaky person you would ever meet, but if you give her something in return, she probably has some great Intel, second sangonomiya Kokomi."

"Kokomi, do you think she has any Intel about something related to monstadt," I asked as Kaede nodded "both parties will probably know what happened between your mother and father. If served, my memory rights are that your father just left."

"When you mean both parties, do you mean"

"Yep, the lady ei would definitely show."

"If she doesn't."

"Then go to a famous person that looks for clues that no one else dears to look," Kaede said as she smirked. "Shikanoin Heizou!" Me and aether said, "or the detective agency, but yes," Kaede said as she drank her tea

I took a wine glass off a tray until someone snitched it out of my hand "aren't you a bit too young to be drinking" they said as I turned to look at them. I was surprised to see them "welcome, yae Miko," I said as she chuckled a bit.

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