chapter five

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After doing backup work, I was on a ship with Mika, aether, and paimon. I was looking around the ship talking to other member until I heard a male calling for me I though it was aether but as I turn around it was Kazuha "Kazuha?!" Y/n said in shock

"I surprised to see you, you looked different," kazuha said with a small smile "yeah you look different too I mean when was the last time we saw each other?" I said while rubbing behind my neck.

"ooh, who this friend of yours, kazuha?" A lady said as she let out a big smirk  "my old friend me and her used to be closed" he said while the lady laugh.

"I'm Beidou" she said, crossing her arms and smiling a bit "ooo it nice to meet you beidou my name is y/n y/l" I said smiling at her

after a long boat ride We finally made it to Inazuma beidou and her crew stop the boat by the doc kazuha help me out of the boat making sure I wouldn't fall or slip "never thought Inazuma would look like this"

Mika pulled me to the side "it's great to be back here," she said while giggling "oh really, you can take a break and go see your family I really won't mind" Mika shook her head "no that won't do besides I rather spend my day with you y/n."

"right," I said, smiling at her "oh! Wait before we leave. I need to say goodbye to a close friend of mine," I said, running back on the ship "alright, don't take too long," Mika said, yelling as I ran back on the boat I hugged kazuha. "I hope we see each other again, y/n," he said, putting his hand on my shoulder "oh, don't worry, I make sure to visit you," I said, smiling at him

beidou came up to us. She saw my vision poorly hidden "y/n, if you ever want to spare with us, just come ask," she said. At the same time, I nodded "y/n is a great fighter even if she doesn't have a vision," kazuha said if that was true, how come the knights think I'm Somewhat weak or just not strong enough I thought to myself, after saying my last goodbye, I went over to Mika "ready to go" she asked, earning a nod from me

after a week of helping Thoma and Ayaka, we went to Narukami island and went to Hinamizaka, y/n didn't do much but just watched on the sidelines or Mika would fight for me which I hated. The next day me and Mika walk around Hinamizaka while aether and paimon were helping other people.

Everyone was looking at y/n, disbelieving and Whispering. They was confused and just ignored it "y/n is that you?!," a woman with horns said. Y/n was extremely confused "um I'm sorry but I think you have the wrong y/n" they said as the woman shook their heads "you look just like her in the picture" when she said it the woman pulled out a picture of me when I was small my eyes lightened up with sadness grew in my face it was my parents holding me laughing and smiling

"we were so worried about you we were losing hope until now we didn't think you ran away so we kept looking" the woman said "how the heck did you get this picture" I said as I hold my head "were the ones that took the picture they was right you really did lose your memories."

"wait who told you that I lost my memories"

"I think his name is kaeya they even wrote letters to us to let us know you've was doing alright"

"So the knights actually did got a private investigator about me but didn't know it would be kaeya"

It was  the afternoon we went to the loving couple's homes, as we went inside the woman was so excited that she let us look around the house while she make food of us

As y/n look around the house It did bring back some memories, "your mother and father would always let us babysit you. They were one of The Watatsumi Army until your father" the woman trail off as she looked the other way, and her smile turned into a sad look "until your father killed your mother, he was on the enemy side, but soon after that he was seen with a vision long after that he was killed" the male said

"But that would make you my aunt and uncle," I said while they both nodded "then why are you guys so young,"

"we are half-Adeptus," the woman said as she smiled "ah well not him he an oni," she said smiling that would explain the horns on their heads I thought to myself y/n look back a the picture with her mom holding pink flowers in her hand smiling standing next to a general with fluffy ears and a tail

"Tsk" Mika rolled her eyes walk out the the house without noticing Later on, at night me, and aether went to southern Byakko to go to this festival with Ayaka and hang out with her after spending some time with her and watching her dance was pretty Mika and paimon were in front of us talking to Ayaka "watching Ayaka dance was beautiful," I said as he nodded. "I wish I could dance like her anyways we should catch up to the others before they leave us" y/n said as they run while laughing

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