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Malia's p.o.v

After that good sesh we went our separate ways , after I got home and showered I rolled again going on the roof.

As I'm trynna mind my business I see a car pull in next door that Ian never see before in my time of living here , seeing the three musketeers get out I groan.

"MALIAAAA" my sister yells making me jump and drop my blunt "AHH FUCK JAKIA MY WOOD FELL" I yelled quickly rushing down to my window so I can go get it.

Walking out the front door ignoring the three I walk to my backyard and look for my wood , after I found it I lit it walking back to the front.

"When you started smoking" I heard , looking over I see Jevonne staring me down like he's ready to pounce , I blow a ghost to make them aggravated. "Me and your friend already had this conversation" I said to Emmett , turning around I walk back in my house.

*The Next Day*

After waking up at the usual time i did my morning routine but I put on a brown maxi dress with a brown cardigan and some sandals , gotta stunt on these hoes anyways , walking down the stairs and out the house I see Jevonne walking out the house next door

"Good morning Mamita" he said , tuning to look at him I was instantly wet but of course he didn't know that.

"Good morning Mr.kirt" I reply about to get in my car.

"You jus gonna not talk to me and avoid me forever" he asks looking at me.

"If I can I will" not waiting for his reply knowing how much he hates that shit I get in my car and drive off.

Jevonne's pov

I laughed getting mad , I'm gonna tell her soon but I jus don't know how and I can't wait till she forgives me for all the pain that I've costed her that day. I should have told her how beautiful she looks today

Getting in my car speeding toward the school thinking about how I'm gonna tell her and what I'm gonna say getting a good idea calling Alex.

"I need your help with getting my girl back" I said preparing to hear Emmett in his back ground.

"FINA-FUCKING-LY I've been waiting to hear those words since we came back in the states" As I guessed correct Emmett said.

"Yea yea but don't you guys think it's to soon" I said pulling up to the school doubting on how she'll take it.

"Ok enough with that bullshit , if you want her then you better take her before someone else does" Alex says , I would kill him she's mine forever in my head.

"We jus got back a month ago and started working at the school yesterday , I'm gonna give it some time but I wanna plan ahead" I said walking towards my office.

"Whatever we'll talk about it when we are all together" Alex says and I hang up immediately after that letting out a sigh of frustration.

Going to my office I see the piles of paper work I have to do , I groan and go get started seeing that it's the seniors that are failing. My baby is one of them.

Before I sent Alex to go get her I work through all of the students , saving the best of course but Alex always has something to say.

"You know waiting to tell her isn't going to help your case" he says looking at me sitting in the chair across from my desk.

"Mhm but what is telling her now gonna do" I retort back to him , I wish everyone would let me fucking think first instead of being on my ass.

"At least when she does find out it would be from you" he mocks , I'm getting annoyed now because they don't know how hard this is.

"Yea well I don't wanna tell her and then some bad shit happen have y'all ever thought of that hmm.? What if as we are happy someone takes her from me" I say getting angry.

"You wouldn't fucking know that and even if it did happen you know we can protect her" he spats back at me.

"Can you please go get my fucking girl" I say to him being done with the argument he silently sizes me before going to do what I asked.

Malia's pov

Sitting in first period , listening to music and looking out the window thinking of what we could have been like if he didn't leave me I didn't hear the teacher calling my name.

"MS.CLINE I heard , jumping slightly I turn to see Alex standing in the front of the room."You're so loud all you had to do was walk over here and tap me" I sass at him rolling my eyes , Alex glares at me and I ignore him picking at my nails.

"Ms.cline you're needed in the office , I'm here to escort you" Alex says

"I could have escorted myself i have two legs and could get there on my own" I retorted getting up grabbing my stuff. As we all out the room I can just feel Alex's annoyance radiating off of him.

"You need to learn some manners" he said looking down at me . "I did but manners don't get you anywhere as you can see and that man hates me , he just didn't act like that cause your a dean" I scoff rolling my eyes

"Look-" cutting him off I say "I don't wanna hear shit can we just walk in the quietness" the rest of the walk to Jevonne's office was silent. When we got there and I walked in Alex walked away.

"Ms.cline please have a seat" Jevonne says looking in a serious mood. Sitting down studying his body language I see he's a little tense that's a sign of aggravation.

"Mr.kirt why am I here" I say looking at him and he smirks just the slightest and I roll my eyes about to get up and leave.

"Malia looking here on your attendance it seems like you've missed a lot of days and your grades aren't looking that good" he said in a mocking tone , I wasn't even worried about all of that.

"Okay.?" I say back confused on him telling me something I already knew. "If your grades don't go up by the end of the year you mi vida aren't walking the stage" he sat back in his chair man spreading after he dropped a big bomb like that.

"You motherfucker , what's your plan this time Jevonne hmm.? To make me feel miserable or to just taunt me until I break or are you here to break my heart again cause that's never gonna happen , you ruined me before and I will not let that shit happen a-fucking-gain." I said before getting up and leaving his office and the school.

Hello my loves it's been a while and I'm sorry I've had writers block and I still do so this took me a day and a half to write lol , anyways have a happy reading
Until next time loves 🤍

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