860 29 14

Edited 10/14/22

"I'm exhausted." Tony groans and jumps face first onto their new bed. They've spent the day bringing stuff from the tower to their home.

"Doll, you didn't even move anything."

Tony scoffs and turns his head to face Bucky. "I'll have you know I had to control my suit to carry most of the heavy items."

"Oh you poor baby." Bucky sits on the bed and kisses Tony all over the face. He laughs and tries to push the super soldier off him.

"Hey! I'm tired too." Steve pouts from his spot in the doorway.

Bucky chuckles, then walks over to scoop Steve up and lay him down on the bed beside Tony. He runs his fingers through Steve's hair. "There there my poor soulmates. Let the man of the house take care of all the manly things."

"Jerk." Steve shoves Bucky away and turns over to cuddle up against Tony.


Tony left the super soldiers at their new home and went to check up on the tower. As much as he likes giving his soulmates a home, the tower is much more is style. It's his home.

"It's good to have you back, sir." Tony smiles and breathes in the modern metal smell of his building.

"It's good to be back, J. I need to be surrounded by technology. Is Bruce around?"

"Dr. Banner is currently with Agent Romanoff on her floor." Jarvis replies.

"Take me up there." The elevator immediately starts moving, startling Tony for a second before he composes himself.


"Clint wants kids?" Bruce repeats what Natasha just said. All three of them are currently sitting on Natasha's bed eating candy and gossiping about their soulmates.

"I was surprised as you are. We've never talked about it, but I guess I just assumed we never would considering our line of work. He knows I can't have kids, but we haven't asked Rose if she can reproduce or not." Nat shrugs and tosses a skittle into her mouth.

"I don't want kids." Bruce admits. "What if they end up with the Hulk gene, that would be horrible." He shakes his head and looks down. "I couldn't risk that."

"Have you talked to Sally about it?"

"Yeah, she doesn't want to bring a kid into this world. We have talked about adoption though, it's something we're looking into for the future."

"What about you, Tony?" They both look over at their silent friend. He's been munching on a KitKat during the entire baby discussion.

Tony shrugs and starts ripping the wrapper slowly. "We haven't talked about kids. I don't think I would make a great father though."

"Oh please. You would spoil that kid rotten, I guarantee it. They would probably have their own lab and everything." Bruce playfully shoves Tony to try and cheer him up.

"Maybe. I also thought if I did have a girl, I would name her Morgan." Tony tosses a Skittle in the air that Natasha catches into her mouth.

"And for a boy?"

"I could just adopt Peter." He shrugs, laughing off the thought of adopting his 14 year old 'intern'.

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