Part 4

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                                                                                 {the next day}

Good morning bubba, how are you? I ask Yia. Even though she can't say anything back to me she kicks her feet. Hi muhma hi, hi i say in a soft baby voice as i tickle Yia. Then something runs into my thigh. Aishh i say. Then turn around and see Kyo. Mommy!!!! He yells, hugging my bare leg. Yes Kyo? I ask, ruffling his hair. Are we going home today? He asked, looking up at me. Yes bubby, why? I ask him. I just want to go home, maybe he says. Ok well we're going home today after we go eat breakfast and play at the park for a bit i say. And he glows with joy. The park? He asked. Yes baby the park i say. ㅛ묘 ㅛ묘 ㅛ묘 솓 ㅔㅁ가(yay yay yay the park)!!! Kyo screams in korean. Kyo chill you're going to scare Yia i say. I take Yia and Kyo to the bathroom. Use the bathroom and brush your teeth while I give Yia a bath, ok? I say. Yes mama he says. I give Yia a quick bath and get her dressed. Kyo it's your turn, come on i say (a few minutes later he gets in the bath and i wash him up and then get him dressed. Can you hold Yia for just a second? I ask kyo. I give him Yia and he sits on the floor. I go to the bathroom and take a nice long steaming hot shower. When i get dressed i put on a light pink ruffled crop top with a black skirt and a white pair of Filas with black socks. I walk back into the room and see Lathen holding Yia. i stand there frozen looking at him i cover my face because i have bruises on my face from him. I quickly do my make-up covering anything that's on my face. When i finish i grab Yia from Lathen's arms and set her in my lap while i put her hair in two tiny little pigtails and kiss her cheek and hand to kyo he grabs her and sits on the floor. Alright my precious little babies 애ㅜᆺ ㅅ디ㅣ ㅛㅐㅕᆨ ㅇㅁㅇ 졷ㄱㄷ ㅈㄷ ㅁㄱㄷ 해ㅑㅜᇂ ㅏㅛㅐ ㅐㅏ? I say

ㅛㄷㄴ ㅡㅐㅐㅡㅛ ㅑ ㅣㅐㅍㅍㄷ ㅛㅐㅕ he says and kisses my cheek. ㅣㅐㅍㄷ ㅛㅐㅕ 새ㅐ ㅑ ㄴ묘.


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