Chapter 1

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Ashley's POV

I had to refrain from rolling my eyes at the bouncing figure making its way towards me in the form of my best friend. I find myself unable to stop myself from giggling however as she begins dancing horrifically, seeming oblivious to the fact I am standing mere meters away from her.

I make the decision after 10 minutes of entertainment to interrupt her "Livy" she completely ignored me so I raise my voice " Livy! Why the hell are you so exited?"

She stops her dancing and pauses her celebrations for less than a second to shout "MY MUM GOT THEM!!" before she continues.

I am completely confused... "Livy... got what??"

She grabs hold of my hands and continues her bouncing forcing me to mimic her to avoid both of my arms getting dislocated " You muppet" She gasps out breathless " You know exactly what I am going on about" when my face remains blank she practically screams in my face " Tickets to go and see freaking One Direction!...... or should I say two tickets as you my friend are coming with me"

I feel the smile literally drop off my face and I yank my hands out of reach of Liv so that I stop bouncing. One Direction... is she being serious... she knows how much I hate them.

Now I know that like 75% of the public are in love with them and the rest only hate them on principle but I actually hate them. It is not because of the way they act or the way they look. I hate them purely based on their lack of musical talent. Now I am not saying that they can't sing because they can... really well when you consider all the other auto tuned, talentless idiots that are also famous at the moment but I mean their actual songs are really poorly written.

Most of them don't even make sense and when they do they are all about love and being beautiful and all that rubbish that isn't actually true they are just trying to make people suck up to them so they can sell more albums. It is really annoying that they don't put any effort into writing or singing songs that actually have emotion in them, songs with a deep unsaid meaning where you have to listen to for ages to figure out what they are going on about.

With One Direction it is all spelt out for you.

I hear myself sigh as I slump onto the bed behind me and look up at the now forlorn face of my best friend. "Please Ashley..... Please you know how much I have been looking forward to this....."

I groan out load " Why can't you just take someone else Liv?"

"Because I don't have anyone else? I thought that as my best friend you would do this for me, it is not as though you have to pay for the ticket!"

I look into her eyes and regret it immediately as I see the hurt in them and know that I have no choice " Okay... okay Liv I will go with you okay" Her face instantaneously lights up into her original grin and it close my eyes... what the hell have I got myself into..........


"Ashley are you going to hurry your extremely sexy ass up or do I have to drag you downstairs?" I force myself to take a deep breath and shakily let it out. I am extremely self conscious at the best of times and the outfit that Olivia has forced me into has just increased my anxiety.

I am wearing a dark blue top tucked into a short black skirt with skin coloured tights,and a pair of dangerously high black heels. My normally wavy blonde hair has been expertly straightened and pinned back into an almost quiff at the top of my head. My make up is plain but makes my blue eyes stand out due to the thin strip of eyeliner covering my eyelids and flicking out at the sides.

I wobble my way over to get my bag, slowly becoming used to the height of the heels before carefully making my way downstairs.

Olivia is wearing practically the same outfit as me apart from her top is a plain white with shocking red heels. She looks stunning with her long brown hair in a bun, wavy tendrils making their way down the side of her face. Her brown eyes are also coated in a thin layer of liner, however hers is brown. I personally am adamant that she doesn't need make up as she would look beautiful without any, however she does not believe me or anyone for that matter. She is one of those people that is unable to accept the fact that she is stunning.

Upon coming into view my friend lets out a high pitched squeal and pulls me into a hug. " You look beautiful darling, I swear" I roll my eyes ignoring her comment feeling like a complete idiot. She grabs hold of my hand and together we head out the the front of the small apartment that we together own and slowly slide into the awaiting taxi.


The crowd was swarming around me and immediately I felt claustrophobic, why oh why did I ever agree to come here? I cant last 5 minutes in this sea of people let alone 2 hours!

Olivia links her hand in mine and together we weave our way through the crowds until we have a fairly good place to stand that is away from the main body of people. I feel so out of place in amongst all of these dedicated fans and I can almost feel the thousands of eyes boring into my back.

Suddenly there is a wave of screaming as 5 familiar faces bounce onto center stage and the opening nuber begins. I roll my eyes and lean forward against the metal railings keeping us from like attacking them or something. I think it is so trivial that most of the girls in this building would kill to be right here in front of the stage but I find no pleasure in this. 

After and hour and a half of struggling to breath and being insanely bored I decide enough is enough. " Livy I am going to go to the toilet okay meet you outside at the end"

" Are you sure" She begins to protest but I am already making my way back through the crowd. As a glance back I can see that someone has already taken my space next to Olivia and is jumping up and down with a banner in her hands..... god these girls are so desperate to be noticed.

As a new song begins with an upbeat tune everyone begins to start jumping up and down. I am alarmed by this sudden movement and my mind registers that I need to get outside before I literally start screaming. I begin pushing my way past random people and I am making quite good progress until an orange umpa lumpa of a girl pushes into me and starts screaming obscenities in my ear. I try to push past her but she shoves me backwards into a group of screaming teenagers who in turn push me away from them.

I felt as though I have been pushed into a pinball machine, people from all around me are pushing and shoving me, most of whom are still bouncing.

I feel myself get  knocked onto the floor. I am embarrassed and feel like an idiot but it only gets worse as I try to get up and I feel myself get kicked in the face. Realising the getting up at this point is going to be virtually impossible I result to doing the only thing I can think of which is to squeeze myself into a ball and close my eyes. I feel myself being kicked and jumped on repeatedly and suddenly I am convinced that I am going to die.

In this dark room with blaring music and hot sweaty bodies being pressed against each other I feel a sense of disappointment that my death has to be this humiliating before I hear the music suddenly come to an end and a loud voice fills the room instead.

" Shit is that a girl down there" 

" Oi you lot get off that girl"

" Seriously get off her! You are going to kill her!"

" Is she okay.... Li go get help"

Slowly these voices mould into one as I feel myself get dragged off of the cold hard ground and I am lifted to safety. 

Heya so I have recently began liking One Direction so I thought, I might as well try to write a FanFic about them :P 

Please give me any feed back about this as it would be really appreciated. Thank you so much!

Comment/Vote/Fan <3 xxxxxx

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