Chapter 2: Our First Conversation

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"I've decided I want to go by my real name Clementine," my best friend told me as she sat on my bed. I was still getting ready for the last movie we were seeing before school started back up. "I mostly went by Cleo because I was embarrassed by it before, but now I don't care what people think. It's pretty and I like it."

"I like it too. I'll call you either one you want though." I frowned at myself in the mirror as I took in my tank top with blue and white stripes and jean shorts. It was a cute outfit, but I wasn't sure how to style my hair.

"Why don't I just switch over now? That way you can get used to it sooner."

"Okay. Could you put my hair into a high ponytail? I always struggle with those. It always wants to flop down."

"Yeah, no problem." She came over after finding a hair tie in my bathroom, pulling my strawberry blonde strands up into a bunch.

"I see him sometimes, the boy from next door. I always hear his car when he leaves."

"You should seriously say 'hi' to him sometime," she urged.

"Yeah, because it wouldn't be weird to wait by his yard just to say 'hi.'" My sarcasm seeped through as she tightened my strands.

"You know what I mean, like when you both just happen to be out there, not waiting for him. I bet this movie will keep your mind off him. It has Mel Gibson in it," she gushed.

"Mel Gibson is your celebrity crush, not mine. You know I'm crazy about Johnny Depp."

"Yeah, he's pretty cool too. I like his calm speaking voice. There, I think that's just right." She stepped back, proudly admiring her work as my brown eyes stared back at me in my full length mirror.

"Yeah, it does look really good. Thank you so much for helping me with that."

"No problem. Hey, do you want to sit in the balcony at the theater?"

"Yeah, we haven't done that in awhile. I love how that place used to be designed for real plays like before movies were a thing."

"Yeah, it's a great piece of history. It's worth it for the slightly fuzzier picture."

I nodded as we stepped out, her driving us over to the building. I smiled softly at the thin, short trees in the sidewalk at the edge, us stepping onto the red flooring once inside.

"I'd like two tickets, please," Clementine requested, me still getting used to her new name. This place only showed one movie per night, so everyone here was for the same attraction.

"Did you bring enough money for snacks? I think I only have enough for a soda," I frowned.

"Sure, we can just share a popcorn. Is medium okay? I think I would be sick if I got a large."

"Yeah, they're pretty good sizes. I'm getting a medium Pepsi too."

"Yeah, I think I'm feeling Sprite tonight, or Sierra Mist, since they don't sell Coca Cola products here."

We gave the guy working there our dollars and coins before heading for the stairs.

"Can we sit in the back? I get nervous being at the edge, since I'm scared of heights," I explained.

"You don't have to tell me, Alyssa. I know you better than anyone."

"Oh yeah. I'm just nervous."

"That's okay. Let's sit kind of at the left side too by the wall barrier thing, that way you'll feel even more safe."

I smiled at how thoughtful she was, us getting seated as a random cd played over the speakers, since the film hadn't started yet.

"I swear, we always get here like fifteen minutes late. It sounds like they're playing Mariah Carey tonight. Usually they save her stuff for Christmas."

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