Chapter 8 - Lunch in the Infirmary

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"Does this mean, I can pull out the goddaughter card," I joked, as he rolled his eyes, 

"I have a class to teach, so I'm going to leave you with the company of Pomfrey." Snape quickly said before going,

"Woo hoo." I sarcastically remarked, before collapsing back onto the bed. I looked around to see a book on my bedside table with a post it note on it. 

Found this is in Zabini's room, 


I smiled at the copy of the Great Gatsby, that I was clutching in my hands. I flicked to the the page I was on, and began to read. After around 20 minutes of reading, my head was throbbing and nausea came over me again, I leapt towards the bin and vomited again. Kill. Me. Now. I crawled back into bed and began to cry. Honestly I think I needed this.

A few hours, had passed and I heard the doors of the hospital wing open. I smiled as I saw the 5 of my friends with food, but slightly frowned as I saw a stack of papers in Enzo's arms. They approached the bed and the boys pulled chairs up to the bed as Pansy jumped to the end of the bed. I saw Riddle, glancing at the bedside table, looking at the book without the sticky note on it,

"You read the book, Princess." He had a smirk on a face, as he announced the fact I read a book.

"Apparently, neither of us know how a concussion work, because you can't do anything, but talk, and you can't really do that if there's no one to talk to." I smacked him on the back of the head with the book. He rubbed his head, and winced slightly.

"At least, you have homework to keep you company," Enzo mentioned dropping the papers onto my lap.

"Not doing it, I'll pull out the goddaughter card," They looked at me confused, 

"Snape's my godfather," Blaise spat his water out, the rest of them had they're mouths wide open. 

"How are you so calm about, being grease balls goddaughter?" Enzo declared, with a slight anxious tone lacing his voice.

"Lorenzo Berkshire, don't you dare disrespect uncle Sev like that," I scowled at the boy for a few seconds before, diverting my attention to Blaise,

"Blaise dear, how's the new step father?" I asked in an innocent voice, we heard Riddle mutter under his breath,

"How does she change moods like that?"

"Mate, I think she's on her period," 

"Lorenzo Berkshire, you can't just assume things like that, also I'm not on my period, but when I am I will not hesitate to throw my bloo-" I was shouting until Pansy cut me off,

"Ok Ari, I think we get the idea," I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in, "When exactly did you find out?" She questioned hesitantly,

"This morning, after you left," I took a bite out of a sandwich they brought up.

"How are you so calm, its been like 4 hours?" I shrugged as I finished chewing.

"Don't know, stared at the ceiling for 2 hours, now I feel like a new woman." 

"You're definitely a lunatic," I nodded as I took another bite,

"How come she can call you a lunatic, but I can't," Enzo asked, like a kid who wasn't allowed to swear,

"Don't use that language in my infirmary," I snapped, 

"I hate you." He mumbled.

"Love you too, babes." I sang as I winked at him. We all talked a bit more, before a figure approached us,

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