Chapter 6: Pass me my wand

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Aria's POV:

"You gave it to the Potter girl, it's your best friend's diary, oh wait your dead best friend, meaning only you would have it, the other two are either in Azkaban or was in Azkaban and the other is dead, deceased,"

"I know what dead means, but I didn't give it to her, he never let us read through it, so she probably had it from a younger age or something," I heard a voice that sounded like Lupin's, me and Riddle looked at each other, we didn't hear anything for a while until, we heard an explosion of sound,

"FIRST, DUMBLEDORE HIRES YOU, SOME ONE WHO REQUIRES ME TO MKE THEM A POTION EVERY MOTH SO YOU CAN CRAWL INTO A HOLE BY A TREE, NOW GOD KNOWS WHAT IS HAPPENING, WITH YOU TALKING TO SIRIUS BLACK, HELPING HIM GET OUT OF AZKABAN," I mentally cursed myself when I heard Sirius' name, because Lupin is getting accused for something I did. I knocked the door, Riddle tried to hold me back, so he could listen but he knew more than he needed to know. The door opened, Snape and Lupin eyed us hoping we didn't hear their conversation,

"What cupboard, today Snivellus?" Lupin looked at me, trying to hide his amused expression,

"Miss Potter, please come to my office after your detention,"

"For fucks sake" I muttered a bit too loudly, making Snape yell at me,


"Snivellus, its English I told you, you should get a memory potion for that," Riddle snickered a bit and Lupin looked impressed because Harry is a pussy, So seeing one Potter carry on his friends legacy was nice for him.

"Professor Snape, what cupboard do you want us to clean today?" Riddle asked in a polite tone,

"Sucking up to professors won't get you far, especially if its Snape, mans is hard to impress," I gave him a fake look of pity, patting him on the back,

"Dumbledore, will be joining us in five minutes, since you two still treat each other like-"

"Shit, yeah, yeah, now Snivellus, can't you just say we're best friends and don't need to do this anymore,"

"I'm afraid Professor Snape, can't do that, Miss Potter," I heard an elderly voice, and felt like dying. Dumbledore will understand, right. Right?

"But Professor Mattheo and I, are in the same group and have been able to tolerate each other," I nudged Riddle, so he could nod. He threw an arm around my shoulder, and I put my head on his.

"You two are dismissed for today, but tomorrow come to my office, you may leave" I walked out of the classroom with Riddle arm still around me, I chucked it off me, and faked gagged,

"What happened, to sucking up to professors won't get you far," I rolled my eyes,

"You're free to go back to detention, but I got us out of there, not you," He rolled his eyes as he walked away back to the common room, I had to go to Lupin's office,

I got to the 3rd floor corridor, then reached the DADA office. I politely knocked on the door. The door swung open, and I stepped in cautiously, he turned his head whipped around, as I took another step in, he motioned for me to sit on the chair across his desk. I sat on the chair as he started asking me questions,

"How did you get your father's diary?" I shrugged my shoulder, I honestly didn't know,

"I don't know sir, on Christmas morning of my second year, I woke up, and it was in my trunk," 

"Do you have any idea of who gave it to you?" I shook my head, 

"Thank you, you may leave now," I nodded as I walked out of the room, I headed back to the dungeons, but half way there I started to feel really light headed, I sat against a wall for a few seconds, I continued to keep walking, but the same light headedness over took me, I made it back to the common room, and dropped down onto a couch. I held my head in my hands and sat there for a few minutes, before I was grabbed and pulled up, I whipped my head up to see a brunette boy with green eyes. I sighed knowing this wasn't going anywhere good. He let me go, once we got to his room, I looked around and Blaise wasn't there again. Of course, he wouldn't bring you here if Blaise was here, dumbass. I stood there and listened to how annoying Gryffindor's are, I can't lie some are, but I just stood there, he finished his rant and then silenced the room, he held his wand at me and shot the spell out without hesitation,

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