"In The Beginning..." (CHAPTER 1)

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"Tch. How annoying."
These little pests were far more nimble than I had anticipated.
I slammed my hand onto the table to smash them to smithereens, only for them to quickly jump out of my way.
I try to quickly grab them but they begin to crawl all over my clothing.
Ugh, I'll have to burn these later...
Briefly distracted, out of the corner of my eye I see them making a beeline towards my head. Before I could even grab them they jumps straight into my ear. I could feel their tiny legs scratch inside my skull.
They were going to be a pain to get out.
"PARIS!" Yumi screamed, both her a Lily running over to me with extreme worry in their eyes. Though it's hard to focus with all the scratching...
"Oh my god are you going to be okay?? What if they get in your brain like the rest of their victims?!" She practically had tears streaming down her face.
I sighed, putting aside my discomfort. "I'm not a living creature, I'm a puppet. I don't have a brain. If anything it's more of a nuisance that they're in there, but once we get home I'll be able to get them out and finally destroy them." I smiled wickedly. Despite my reassurances she didn't seem convinced, but Lily in the other hand begrudgingly complied.
"He's right Yumi, he is just a puppet. If anything it's probably safer that they're in his empty head than someone else's."
"Oh? Would you like to run that by me again~?"
"Y-You know what it's getting late let's head back to your house!" The babysitter sputtered before dragging Yumi out of the room in spite of her protests.
I sighed before slowly following them, sticking my finger in my ear and scratching. I could feel them crawling around in there and it's so so so itchy.
These pests are going to get a slow death after I get them out of there, I swear...

10 minutes had gone by and the incessant skittering in my skull was still going strong, if not stronger. I massage my temples in hopes of easing the lingering headache. It felt as though they were drilling holes into my skull, bombarding every nonexistent nerve with brute force.
What a pain.
Yumi and Lily look at me in worry as I stagger behind them, but there's nothing to be worried. I'm fine.
So what if I feel a bit more foggier than usual? I've had a long week, after all!
I just wish this grating headache would cease...
Maybe if I just.....close my eyes for a bit.
...When I open them back up, the world around me is spinning. I feel sweat drip down my cheek and my breathing is labored.
"W.....What happened.....?" I mumble.
I dart my eyes over to Yumi and Lily standing over me, concern adorning their blurry faces.
"Y...umi...?" I try to move my arms but can't budge them an inch. It feels as if they were made out of pure lead. She puts her hand to my forehead, grimacing at the touch.
"You're warm...really warm..." she says, voice laced with extreme fear.
Warm? That's ridiculous.
"I think those earrings are doing something really bad to you. They're making you sick..." Yumi walks back over through the door with a cold, wet towel in her hands, placing it on top of my forehead.
When did she even leave in the first place?
"I don't get sick, I'm a puppet I have no organic body to get diseases." I reply back haughtily.
At least, that's what I would've said if my tongue didn't suddenly feel like it weighed like tons of steel, causing my speech to slur greatly.
"I....I don'...getttt shick......Ima....ima...pup't..." Talking shouldn't have taken so much out of me, but here I am practically out of breath and panting.
Just relax and go to sleep.
Maybe I should just.....relax. I've had a long.....long day...
I feel my eyelids grow heavy. I don't get tired but for some reason sleep sounds so...welcoming.
"Pa......ou nee.....wake u....."
Yumi and Lily's voices slowly fade into a peaceful static.
I'll just close my eyes for a tiny bit....
It'll be okay....

(This is a weird story that prolly won't last long and will prolly jump around a lot I just had this dream about this WEBTOON and had to write it down)

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