Chapter 10

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WARNING there is cussing present in this chapter. If you are not fond of swear words being used, please skip this chapter, as there will be a playback of this chapter's events.




"Was there any particular reason why you did not attack him, Miss Iguro?"

"As I said, I have no particular reason to attack him, and any show of violence was merely for self-defence. And even if I did have any real reason to attack him, I have sworn an oath to never attack humans."

She added that last part not because it was true, but because she thought it sounded cool.

"Sir," announced Erwin. "I have a proposition."


"Miss Iguro's sudden appearance places a number of uncertainties. As such we will place her under the Special Operations Squad's supervision since Captain Levi is already supervising Eren." As he said this Eren was standing next to Levi, looking on at the scene ahead of him.

Darius Zackery looked at the girl being tied up. "She has shown no real attempt at violence or escaping her confinement," he thought, making up his mind. 

"Attention please," he shouted. Everybody fell silent once again. "I have come to an arrangement. Iguro will join the Survey Corp Regiment until she has fulfilled her purpose here and then she will go back to wherever she came from. She does not represent a threat, therefore I do not see any reason why she should be executed."

Gasps were heard from one half of the room.


"Are you kidding me?"

"That is absurd!"

"Look how suspicious she looks!"

"I mean what's the deal with the mask anyway? And her eyes look just too creepy!"

"We cannot let her walk around freely!"

"I cannot accept it!"

"Silence!" Zackery's voice boomed. The whole room shuddered. Except for yn, who looked like she was fiddling with something.

"If you do not agree to the previously said terms, see me subsequent to this event. This is no longer the time or place for this discussion."

Nobody except yn dared to move.

"Now, could somebody please-"

"Ah finally," she said, rubbing her wrists. 

"They were actually starting to hurt near the end. Pretty impressive though. We don't have anything like this from where I'm from. Just rope."

Everybody around her froze. She looked around, waving her hands. "What?" she asked questionably. 

The broken metal shackle was lying broken on the floor like she had snapped a branch in half.

The broken metal shackle was lying broken on the floor like she had snapped a branch in half

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