Chapter Twenty-Two: Skimpy Ramen

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Third person POV:

Mob and Y/n flushed and backed away from each other, "yeah yeah a game plan" Y/n stuttered out. ' we have no time for butterflies girl! This is a seriously dangerous situation. How are we gonna tell mom...?'

As she zoned further and further out with worry Dimple started spitballing ideas. "Why don't you just beat the crap out of em Shigeo? That'll teach em a lesson."

"Dimple I don't want to hurt anyone. They must have a good reason for thinking I'm their leader." Their reason was actually pretty lame, but it's probably for the best that none of them know that. (All they remember is him walking out and their previous leader being gone.)

"Mob is right. We can't hurt these people, we just need a face, a name, and some evidence then we can file a report with the police." Reigen secured.

"What do you think N/n?" Mob turned to her wanting her input on the situation, she didn't respond at all though. "N/n...?" He waved his hand a little bit in front of her eyes and she snapped right back into it.

"Oh! Uh," she looked around at them, "what were we talking about?"

Reigen looked at her worriedly but answered her. "We were talking about how to deal with these guys, even though we've only met that one man." Reigen rolls his eyes and looks over to Dimple, "Greeny boy here wants Mob to somehow find all of them and ' teach them a lesson ' with his powers."

"I don't need to know the other options to know that there is no way we're doing that." She knew that Mob hated using his powers, and even if they could find them all, she didn't know what seeing him like that would do to her.

"The second option, is that we get as much as we can on them and report them to the police. We don't know anything about these people, but that one back there seemed hysterical at even the sight of Mob." Y/n nodded along with everything Reigen said.

"I do think that if they do anything criminal then we should try to report them, but they might just be regular people who ended up in a..." She touched her chin, "what was it? Oh! A psycho helmet cult. Our best bet to deter them is ruining their image of Mob-kun. Maybe it'll snap them out of it, to see that he's just a regular ol' highschooler now."

Mob tuned in, "I like that idea the best. I'm not anything like a god or a leader so we should show them that. If we can we should get help from Teru and Ristu's red-head friend too."

Y/n smiled, glad that he agreed with her idea. Reigen had a bit more to add on though, "Let's try that first, but if it gets even a little bit dangerous you need to tell me immediately and get away from the situation, yes?"

"Tsk. Boring"

"Dimple! Watch it!" Y/n glared at the booger-like ghost. He just turned away, but ultimately did quiet down.

"Let's all head out to get some ramen then, it's been a long day. You can each have one fishcake and a crouton." Reigen smiled, and stood up. They all followed after, Y/n now paranoid about the presence of cultists peeking around their surroundings as they walked. As their paces all evened out, Mob and Y/n ended up walking a bit behind Reigen and Dimple to have a heart to heart.

"Are you alright N/n? You've seemed a bit off since we left the house..." Mob nervously questioned, he wasn't usually good at reading people and didn't want to misread her mood.

"I-" she sighed and looked up at the telephone lines at the side of the road. "I've never dealt with anything like this before. I've never even gotten into a physical fight before! You guys seem like this is just and everyday thing but I can't brush it off like that.." Mob wanted to say something to comfort her but couldn't muster the right words, but she looked at him, "I'm honestly terrified Mob-kun.." Tears prickled her eyes and he wrapped his arms around her, stopping them both completely. She didn't even have to think before she wrapped her arms up around his neck, letting herself cry. "This all just escalated so fast. I was having fun with Reigen just this morning and now I have to worry about insane cultists trying to do something to you.."

He hugged her tighter and rubbed her back as she cried, his cheeks were slightly pink, but the main thing on his mind was making her feel better. "I won't let them do anything to me or you. You're safe with me N/n.." He hid his face in her shoulder, much more red now.

Y/n was slightly pink, but a comfortable smile painted her face. She leaned into him and held the hug until she felt her tears stop. "Thank you so much Mob.." They broke the hug and smiled at each other, turning back to catch up with Reigen and Dimple. As they turned though, they both immediately spotted Reigen and Dimple's heads sticking out from around a corner as the both of them smirked. When they realized they were caught they snapped themselves out of view, and the two teens could vaguely hear them whisper shouting at each other.

They had honestly gotten so used to it at this point that they couldn't help but just laugh and run up to them. "Let's just go get that ramen okay?" Y/n laughed.

The four of them enjoyed the rest of their night, eating the skimpy ramen that Reigen was willing to buy for them, that they really didn't mind. It was another bonding moment, cementing their relationships with each other and a time to be looked back upon fondly.

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