Chapter Seven: Ice Pack

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Third person POV:

Y/N ended up holding Mob up from his left side afterall, he was fine for about half the way but then he was just a bit too sweaty (even for a teenage boy) and she insisted. Mob was kind of embarrassed but eventually ended up being worried about her bruises again.

"Really it's okay Kageyama-kun I bruise easy, but I heal up even easier!"

They were sitting across from each other on the nurse's beds. She had to go into the side room to get some ice packs for the two of them. "Yeah I know what you mean, I am still kind of worried though. How often does this happen?"

"About as often as we play dodgeball I guess? I haven't really thought much further than what my mom would say"

The nurse came back in with some icepacks wrapped thinnly with towels. "Here you go, you two. Do try to be more careful with yourselves during gym."

"Yes Ma'am"
"Yes Miss"

"I'll be over in my office, make sure to sign out when you leave and if you need anything dont be afraid to ask."

"Thank you, I will"

And then off she went, probably to type up some emails or maybe just play minesweeper; we'll never know.
Y/N started to ice some of her bruises while Mob just looked at his icepack.

"What am I supposed to do with this?"

He placed it on the top of his head, then decided to change it to maybe his cheek, and even tried out his shoulders; all while Y/N watched in amusement. "Ppft, are you going to ice your whole body?"

"W-wha? Oh no! I just- I didnt really know what to-"

She laughed a bit more, "don't worry Kageyama-kun I was just joking."


"Actually if you don't mind could I borrow your ice pack? If you really dont need it of course."

He stood up and handed her the icepack without a second thought.

"Oh haha thanks then Kageyama-kun."

"Actually L/N-chan?"

She looked at him with a tilt of her head, "Yes?"

"If you don't mind.. and this is if you are comfortable with it- and you don't have to and I won't feel bad so-"

"What did you need Kageyama-kun, I won't judge just ask."

"I think we are close enough friends so-" He looked at her for a second deciding if this was a good idea. "Do you want to call me Mob since everyone calls me that?"

Y/N looked at him for a second as well, she's had close friend's before but- they were all uh ya know. Girls? 'this is fine y/n come on!! You've been waiting for this for forever. Aaahh but Kageyama-kun? I mean he's not that bad to be honest-' She pinched her own leg to snap herself out of it.

'what are you doing letting your mind wander girl! He said friends!! You said friends too! "Not bad" is a Terrible reason to persue someone'.

Mob sat down and scratched his neck, "like I said if you don't want-"


He straighted his back, a light blush dusting his face. "wha- you said it!"

Y/N stands up and averts her eyes, "I was just uh- testing it out alright! B-but you can call me N/N if you want to.. also..." (Nickname)

Mob stood up and smiled, "of course N/N!"

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