Chapter Twenty-One: Dimple's Religion

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Third person POV:

They all arrived at a deep tan house, with all of the lights off. "Is this really the right place, Master?"

"Yeah, I'm sure of it. Whoever lives here really turned the spook levels all the way up though." He casually walked up to the door and rang the bell, Y/n, Mob, and Dimple all in tow.

A very short old man cautiously opened the door, "Are you the excoricists?"

"Yup." Reigen opened the door further, kind of pushing the old man out of the way and walked in. "So what seems to be the problem, sir?" Y/n and Mob walked in hesitantly after him.

"It's my son.. He's been acting very weird for a few months. I just don't know how to help him." The man looked very distressed and on the verge of tears.

Reigen pat his shoulder, "if it really is a ghost problem then we will have it all sorted out for you, and you can get your son back."

The old man teared up and bowed, "oh thank you! Thank you so much."

Y/n smiled, Mob noticed and deciced that he wanted to make sure he really helped this man's son. "So is your son home?"

"Yes.. his room is up the stairs in the second room to the left." He pointed them all to the stairs and they carefully approached.

Reigen put his hand on the doorknob and looked at the two teens. "We don't actually know what's wrong with this guy, so let's be careful alright?"

They both nodded and he carefully opened the door, to find a man probably in his early thirties sitting at the base of his bed. Staring at something in his hands, they couldn't see it, and mumbling to himself. "Sir? Are you alright? We were sent here to help you." Reigen asked, but there was no response. It was like he was in his own world. They all slowly approached and as they got closer they saw what was in his hand was a mask..

"Wait that's-" Mob backed up very surprised.

"What is it?" Y/n walked a bit closer, before Mob gently grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

"Don't get too close, it's dangerous. That's a mask from the Religion that Dimple used to run. But.. the face painted on it is different." He spoke confusedly, Y/n stared at him.

"Hey mob," Reigen looked at him and then at the mask, "doesn't that kind of look like you?"

"That's the face that was on that poster we saw a while ago, Shigeo!" Dimple chimed in.

Mob was about to respond that he didn't really see the similarity to him, but the man stopped mumbling and jumped up. He slowly turned his face and stared right at Shigeo. "Psycho Helmet.. our leader." He was partially slumped over and began to stomp over to where him and Y/n were standing.

"Stay back, Y/n" he pulled her behind him, this was a very serious situation. She blushed but kept her eyes on the guy approaching. "I have no idea who you think I am, but I don't know anything about a 'psycho helmet.'" He insisted.

The man's approach didnt slow though, and once he got close enough he roughly grabbed Mob by the shoulders. "Leader.. help me. Psycho helmet is the only true God!!" He started to become hysterical.

Reigen grabbed the man's shoulder, "Hey, leave my disciple alone."

"You're supposed to worship me, useless man.." Dimple grumbled.

He whipped around and shoved Reigen, "Stay away from my leader! Scum like you and me don't deserve to be in his presence."

Reigen got his bearings and shuffled around him slowly, "I don't know what you're talking about but -" Reigen used his special move, Straight punch. "- don't call me scum!" The guy fell the the ground and Reigen pulled them all out of the room with him and rushed out of the house quickly. Apologizing to the old man on his way out. Once they had gotten a decent distance away, they were all breathing heavily and sweating. Especially Shigeo.

"Why did" gasp "we have to" gasp "run so far, Master?"

Reigen sat down, huffing a bit too. "There is no way we can help a deluded man like him. If he really does see you as a god, then he won't listen to anyone. And I refuse to put you two in danger by staying there."

' He really does care about our safety '. Y/n thought, she had mostly just seen him as a scammer up until now, but this drastically improved her opinion of him.

"I didn't know my old followers would still stay so obsessive like that.." Dimple pondered. "There were quite a lot of them, if they are all like that-"

"We might have a serious problem." Reigen stood up from the bench he was sitting on. "Now that he knows you work with us, he'll tell the rest of them, and we'll all be in danger."

Y/n was getting a bit overwhelmed by everything going on, first she learns that dimple used to lead a cult, and then that cult somehow transformed into worshipping Mob-kun and now him and everyone at the office were in danger?! Mob looked over and saw the worry written all over her face, and pat her head. "Don't worry N/n, I'm sure that we'll figure it out. If we all stick together then we can protect each other." He smiled.

She put her hand on top of his, where it was on her head. "Thank you, Mob. I needed to hear that." She lightly blushed and looked down. He blushed as well and just looked to the side, not removing his hand from under hers. Dimple gave Reigen a look and the both raised their eyebrows at each other, smirking because of Mob's romantic progress.

Reigen coughed interrupting the moment, "If you two are finished now, then we should figure out a game plan."

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