Chapter Nineteen: Clearing Boxes

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Y/n's POV:

"An extra room?" I tapped the back of Reigen's seat, "is that okay? For me to stay there for the last two days I mean."

"I mean- we'd have to clear it out. It is chalk full of boxes, that's even if you want to stay there.." Reigen spaced off in thought for a second, "I've been meaning to buy more locks for the office anyways though, and it's kind of out of the way from the other rooms. So, it's really up to you."

The thought of having locks, and it only being for the next few days really helped. I already felt bad enough lying about where we were going, but I would feel worse if we got eventually figured out and then grounded. For a week at least. . . So a whole week without seeing any of these dorks. I don't want to admit it but it would be lonely, and hopelessly boring. Plus Dimple is kind of growing on me. A little bit. "I think- I mean yeah I'll probably just go with you and Dimple, then. We can drop Mob and his things first?"

"Well actually," Mob inserted, " I want to at least help clear that room out for you N/n. If that's okay?"

Honestly, I was internally very glad that he offered to help. Not only because it was probably going to be a big job, but I kind of liked the idea that he cared about me. 'even if it's stupid I have to admit, that's so sweet.'

"Mhm! That's perfectly fine with me."

Third Person POV:

For the rest of the ride they either chatted, stared aimlessly out the window, or took a nap. When they arrived it was just about the time the sun was setting, and after all that driving Reigen was getting hungry. He left Mob with the key into the office with Y/n, while he picked some dinner up for all of them.

Dimple flew through into the office first, Y/n was glaring daggers at him. While she was sleeping in the car he spooked her awake with a loud yell and had been grumpy all the way up until this point. Shigeo unlocked the door and put the keys down while Y/n stomped at the little green ghost. "What would you have done if I accidentally exorcised you?! That is no way to wake someone up."

"Aaah come on as if you could exorcise me, I'm well on my way to becoming God, just so you know. I've been," he did air quotes, " 'exorcised' several times already and NADA." He started floating in a circle around her head when she sat down on the couch. "Party pooper! Bleggh" he pulled up his nose and stick out his tongue to mock her.

"Dimple stop that. You are being rude." Mob corrected.

"But she-"

"Seriously Dimple. It's been a long day and we still have lots of work to do."

Dimple folded his arms and stopped circling her, "Fine. I'm only listening because I was getting dizzy spinning around her anyway." Dimple was like that, he usually listened to Shigeo but would pretend that he was the one who made the decision to do it in the first place. Mob found it endearing in a way.

"Well, now that's he's done how about we crack open that extra room? Do you know where it is?" Y/n stood up.

"I think it's just past the kitchen Master transformed into his psychic zone." He led the both of them past the "psychic zone" and into a little break room. Just to the left of that was a door to said extra room.

"Fingers crossed maybe it's not that bad?" Y/n crossed her fingers and slowly opened the door to the room. A small plume of dust kicked up from the ground when it opened. She coughed then flicked on the switch. "He was not lying when he said it was chalk full of boxes.."

Dimple lifted the flap of one of them, "Want to bet at least one of these has his dirty mags in em'?"

"Dimple!" Mob guided him to the door, "you are getting in the way."

Y/n was impressed with this side of him, the more forthcoming and demanding side. She wasn't going to lie it kicked up some butterflies in her stomach. For now though there was no time for that. The sun had probably set already and they had to find somewhere to move all these boxes. "Mob..?"


"Where in the world are we supposed to move all this crap to?"

"I think we could get away with putting it in the main office space. Just until we can sort through it with Master, he can be kind of particular about his belongings."

"That sounds- actually pretty on character. Welp, hows about we get started?" Y/n rolled up her sleeves and it wasn't long before the two were hauling the boxes to the office space, occasionally having to swat away Dimple's curiousity. When they had gotten to about the 2/3rds mark they heard the door click open and in walked Reigen with some Mobdonald's. (A/n: I'm pretty sure that's what it's called?)

"I've got our food guys!" Reigen set two bags down on the coffee table and took his place in his seat. The two of them walked in curiously and they both let out a sigh of relief when they saw the food. Y/n and Shigeo looked at each other and chuckled, they had really worked up a sweat. Honestly, the both of them weren't the most athletic in the sea. "Dig in, then lets push through the last final boxes, I see you've already gotten most of them."

They all joked around as they ate, the light of their office being the only one visibly on from the street. It was an important moment for all of them, that eventually they'd look back on with fondness.

They finished up the last boxes, and Shigeo phoned home to explain while Y/n settled in and Reigen left, once again, to go pick up a lock real quick from a convenience store.

Y/n looked around, and at the extra futon Reigen had. She needed a way to get more photos for her mom so she downloaded a photoshop app for tomorrow morning, hopefully it would work well enough. 'this really isn't all that bad.'

It wasn't long before everything was settled and the three of them got some much needed rest. Dimple just did whatever it is that he does at night.

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