Trick or Treat, Freaks

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Today was Halloween, one of Sophie's favorite days of the year. She and all of her friends were going to be ghostbusters. They lot of them had planned to wear them to school on Halloween, but in an act of rebellion and frustration at the boys, Sophie decided not to wear hers.

"Stevie!" Sophie yelled up the stairs, "I'm leaving for school!"

Hearing no response, she figured he was still sleeping. She left a note, got her stuff, and headed out the door, biking to school. 

She arrived just in time to see the boys sing, "Who you gonna call?"

"Ghostbusters!" Will laughed.

"Hey, Spengler!"



Sophie rolled her eyes and pulled her into the bike rack, right next to Lucas'. 

"Woah, woah!" Mike shoved Lucas back, "Why are you Venkman?"

Lucas replied with an attitude, "Cause I'm Venkman."

"No, I'm Venkman!"

Will intervened, trying to stop the drama, "Why can't there be two Venkmans?"

"Because there's only one Venkman in real life! We planned this months ago." Mike raged.

Sophie tried to diffuse the situation, "It's alright guys. No one's even gonna notice!"

"Shut up, Sophie!" Mike yelled at her, "At least I didn't betray the group by not wearing my costume."

"Oh my god, Michael." Sophie droned, walking away from the group, leaving them to fight.

"Great going, Mike!" Will yelled.

"Is it cause I'm black?" Sophie heard Lucas yell.

Sophie walked into the school, opening her locker to find yet another Zombie girl note. She sighed, leaning against her locker and closing her eyes.

"Hey stalker," Max's voice caused her to jump.

"Oh," Sophie relaxed when she saw who it was, "hey."

"What's wrong?" Max recognized a low tone in Sophie's voice. She saw the paper that Sophie held in her hand, grabbing it from her before she could protest. Zombie girl it said. Max shook her head and ripped it up, "Don't worry about them, okay? You still on for my house after school?"

Sophie nodded her head, "Yeah, of course."

"Hey," Max's face turned serious, "can I ask you something?"

Before Sophie could respond, she was interrupted by two of the very boys she was trying to avoid. 

"Hey Max," Dustin stuttered out, "I'm Dustin and this is. . ."

"Lucas," Lucas added.

Max rolled her eyes, "Yeah, I know, stalkers."

"Uh, no. Actually, we weren't stalking you!" Lucas panicked.

"We were just. . . concerned," Dustins eyes lit up as he made the excuse, "because you're new and all."

"Yeah!" Lucas agreed, "for your safety!"

"Oh my god," Sophie facepalmed herself.

But Dustin did not stop there, "There are a lot of bullies here."

"So many bullies," Lucas added, "it's crazy."

Dustin pointed at Sophie, "Like she gets bullied all the time!"

"What the hell, Dustin!" Sophie yelled at him.

Max was quick to snap back, "Is that why you're wearing proton packs?"

𝘊𝘶𝘱𝘪𝘥'𝘴 𝘊𝘩𝘰𝘬𝘦𝘩𝘰𝘭𝘥 |𝘔𝘢𝘹 𝘔𝘢𝘺𝘧𝘪𝘦𝘭𝘥Where stories live. Discover now