Chapter 10: Viola March 27th 2017

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I haven't been back to art class since the incident happened, and to be honest I don't want to even think about it. I wish I could permanently erase Jerome from my memory. Well, I suppose that I've already done that before, but I wouldn't mind it a second time.

Morana has been called into a meeting at the school to discuss my "progress", whatever that means. It's likely to include my multiple unexcused absences, which by the way, I have been deleting from Morana's email account. Yes, I'm sneaky, but so is she. End of.

I think that this meeting is at about twelve, and surprisingly I have not been invited. You would assume that if reasoning for something was necessary, that the person of concern would be brought in, but apparently not. Anyhow, it would be my immense pleasure to eavesdrop, and actually figure out the meaning behind all of this. Also, getting an answer to why my Dad wasn't invited to this. Seems a little suspicious to me.

It's eleven fifty right now, and I'm sitting alone with Bella. The others are all off doing different things, so its just the two of us eating the crusty cafeteria pasta. The tomato sauce looks like its been microwaved frozen, and tastes like it too, and the cheese is congealed while being placed on the undercooked pasta. As if life just couldn't get any better. It's loud like usual, the jostle and hustle bustle vibes, as people go in and out of the school.

Then I see her, Morana. The principal, Mr. Rolsen is shaking her hand and greeting her at the front of the school. They then disappear into the hallway of offices that are past the entrance of reception. The door to this hallway is also locked, I know that for a fact. That means that the only way for me to listen in is to go now.

I let Bella know that I have to speak to the office lady about an item that I misplaced. She asks if I want her to come with me, to which I shake my head. She doesn't need to get involved in all of this. I look inherently stupid as I run behind the door once I know that Morana has entered and pray that neither she nor the principal has caught on. I watch through the glass as the two of them vanish into the corridor, and I scribble down my excuse for needing to enter that space.

With deep purple glasses, and head full of blonde curly hair, the receptionist nods after reading my pathetic reason that I need to speak to my counsellor about my courses for the next school year. Thankfully she pulls out a key and unlocks the wooden door, and I am ushered through to a seat that is conveniently outside of the principal's office. Hopefully the counsellor is in the middle of her current appointment, because if she comes out, this will throw off my whole plan.

"I think she knows and remembers more that we think she does," Morana murmurs, as my ears strain to hear her muffled voice.

"Rest assured Ms. Rivers, that we are heavily monitoring the information that is fed to her. We wouldn't want to interrupt the process after all." The process, what the hell is that supposed to mean?

"Viola has unintentionally helped us anyway, as her drop in attendance in her art class has kept her away from Jerome Sings, who was letting her know too much. So, that solves that particular issue. As for Bella, well, that process will eventually lead to extermination and..."

I sneeze. Of course I had to at that moment. The inconvenience is hitting hard right now, but not quite as much as my adrenaline, as I realise that the Principal is standing up right now to see what all the noise is about.

I can see his shadow reaching for the door handle, and I'm gone, racing back through the office even though everyone in there is staring at me right now.

I get back to the table and Bella is gone. Her backpack and food too. I remember what was said in the office, and I quickly begin to panic.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jun 24, 2022 ⏰

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