Chapter 7: Miya September 19th 2016

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It's eight- thirty in the morning, and Alec is knocking intensely on my door. It must be raining heavily, because the leaks on my bedroom ceiling appear to be getting worse. I've tried to place buckets underneath, in an effort to soak up the relentless droplets, but it gets full way too fast. My only hope is that the roof doesn't fall through or something crazy like that because we definitely will then be screwed.

"I'm actually so happy that you're coming back today," Alec smiles while his backpack just about weighs him down. "Ms. Hans disappeared after the first day. Just completely left with no trace, it's crazy to be honest."

Wait. I didn't expect that one. I assumed that he would have told me something that pressing one of his multiple visits to see me in the last few weeks. I feel sick to my stomach now, my insides threatening to spew up each individual molecule of food that I consumed this morning.

"But, has anyone seen her? You're telling me that she's gone, and no-one has seen her since? There has to be more there." My voice is groggy, which isn't that surprising considering I've been speaking a lot less recently than I normally would.

Alec shrugs. He reassures me that everything will be fine, because we have a new teacher now, one that is more like Mr. Reed in his relaxed ways. As you can probably guess that statement doesn't make me feel at ease. I feel worse than when I left my house.

This walk to school feels like the longest, and yet shortest period of my life. My head is a whirlwind, a mash of every question, emotion, thought, or feeling that one could possibly be experiencing, all condensed into one. It's hell up there. And the worst thing is that I have to act as though I'm not completely losing my sanity, because I do not need any more attention drawn to myself right now.

It takes me a few moments for me to realise that Alec is calling my name over and over, just like a relentless broken record. We're outside the school entrance and I'm hyperventilating, right there, in front of everyone; my literal worst fear is coming true. Across from me is Marlie, just as concerned as the friends beside her, all of their eyebrows etched together, as though an invisible string is pulling them closer by the millisecond. I look around, my eyes wide with panic, while I try to utter out words that are no more than sounds that oppose basic rules of communication.

I must be living in a hyper state of reality by this point, because it's impossible that anything is real right now. Alec yells at some kid, Aaron, that's his name, telling him to fetch a teacher. Meanwhile, both him and my sister are trying to calm me down, reminding me not to move or try to talk, but just to stay still and breathe. That's when my vision becomes clouded with bright spots, rapidly covering my eyes until nothing is visible to me anymore.

I awaken on the table of the medical room. My body jolts upright without my consent, as a wave of uncertainty rushes over me as I realise that I am no longer in control over my own body. There must be a good ten people standing over me right now. I immediately recognise my mom, sister, as well as the local village doctor, emphasized with the white coat and stethoscope.

"She's awake now. That's good." The doctor sighs I'd like to run that one test again, just to ensure that the results are conclusive now that Miya is fully conscious. She must see my confusion, as she's now beginning to explain to me what is going on in a very calm and gentle voice. "We've run several tests on you while you were unconscious, Miya, as you exhibited three very severe seizures. It's in my findings that you have a rare bacterium in your bloodstream, something that we would normally see in hybrid creatures, such as dogs, for example. As this is highly unusual, it's in the best interest of your health that I run this test just once more, so that we can confirm."

This is definitely not happening right now; it simply can't be. I want to laugh. This lady is trying to compare me to a hybrid breed of a dog. That's crazy. My mom interjects before I can respond uttering the words of "Yes, please do whatever you need."

The doctor nods her head and pre-empts me that she'll be drawing a small amount of blood from my arm, and to squeeze my mom's hand if I find it too painful. The ordeal is over shortly, while she tells us that it should only take fifteen minutes. Not a lot of time, but in this instance, it feels like all eternity. Marlie complains for most of it that she's hungry and wants to get her lunch from the canteen, but mom isn't even paying attention at this point. She looks like all life has been completely sucked out of her.

The time has finally passed, and the doctor re-enters the room. She is no longer composes, but instead is grim, and her facial features appear strained. "Miya. Not only are there traces of a rare bacteria in your blood," she stutters, like she's trying to choose the right words. "But we've found a micro chip in your neck. Someone or something is tracking you."

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