Chapter 6: Viola March 13th 2017

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I haven't slept well at all. My head is throbbing with pain, and I'm unable to focus on anything else besides it, and though I would love to take some Tylenol or something, I just know that Morana would ask too many questions. Maybe she would go as far to make me miss this crucial first day of school, a day that is more pressing and could potentially hold the answers to so many of my questions. No. I absolutely must go.

I also have no idea what clothes to wear. When you don't know about any of the latest fashion trends, or have the ability to recall any memories of when you were in school for that matter, it can prove to be quite the problem.

Whatever, I guess I'll just throw on a pair of sweats and a hoodie; it's probably best to lay low for the first couple of days. I need to blend in, because that will limit the amount of interactions that I have to make my felloe students. The school doesn't start until eight thirty, and it is only six right now. Early, I know. But I love when I have the space and time to clarify my thoughts and emotions, without the invasion of doctors, surgeons, therapists, and my own "parents".

My bag for school is already packed, contained with just a plain white binder with some loose sheets of paper, paired with a deep blue notebook for my doodling that is bound to result during a boring class or two. I have a whole stack of pens, pencils, and erasers, all laying around from "before".

I switch on my flip phone to see if I have any messages from Bella. Sure enough, there's a text from 12:18 that reads "Meet me at the fountain in front of the school. See you soon!"

My heart begins to hammer, because maybe, after all this time, someone could be able to explain everything that I remember without me actually having to. I don't want to get my hopes up though, this could literally be about the most insignificant thing that I haven't even thought of before.

The sun is now beginning to rise; dusty orange and deep yellow embracing new lightness to begin the day. I decide to head downstairs into the kitchen in an attempt to make my own food in peace. When I arrive, it's clear that my mission has failed, because nope, Morana is right there, with a bowl of cereal in tow.

"I'm sure that you're going to have a great time today sweetie." Gross. I hate when she uses names like that, I feel like I'm two or something. I try to finish my food as fast as possible so that I no longer have to be in the presence of this wacko lady.

The school is about ten times scarier than I thought it would be. A four- storey cobblestone building, it looks cold and dethatched from reality. There's hundreds of kids crowding the front steps, all huddled together like birds in a nest, phones out combined with a high level of noise.

I search for the fountain, assuming it would be one of those fancy ones that is placed obnoxiously. This one, however, is hidden underneath a large tree, completely swamping all that it covers. This is when I see Bella jump up from the bench that sits beside it. Dressed in a light blue sweatsuit complete with plain Air Forces, I'm relieved that I'm not the only one that hasn't put any effort into my outfit.

"I'm so excited," she smiles, "this is going to be so much fun." Though I appreciate the familiarity, I hate small talk, and now is definitely not the time for it. She needs to explain what her text from a couple of days ago meant, why do I need to be careful? I realise then that she has a small group of friends with her, so it isn't a great time for such a conversation.

"Viola, this is Cerys, Tessa, and Morgan." They all wave when she introduces them, seeming friendly enough. That's a good sign I suppose. They act like they have never interacted with me before the accident, so I can only assume that I didn't previously know them. That, or they're just doing a really great job at pretending to meet me all over again. Which I'm sure would be a decently hard acting job.

I'm only just beginning to feel content when suddenly the sound of a bike crashing just a few feet away from me becomes evident. I whip my head around, to see a guy muttering in pain. "Crap that hurt," he groans. "Ayy yo Bella, is this the chick you were telling me about that doesn't speak. That's mad crazy." He rolls onto his knees, trying to dust off his shirt.

"Lincoln, that's not very tactful. And even if she did, I'm pretty sure that she wouldn't want to talk to you anyway," Bella retorts. Lincoln hastily rides off after this confrontation. Bella tells me not to take it personally, he's just one of those dudes that says dumb things. I get it. I don't really care.

The next few minutes are a bit of a blur, but all I know is that the bell is ringing, and it is time for me to head into the building. I discover that Tessa has period 1 Biology with me, so thankfully I'll have company for the first hour. Alright. Here goes nothing.

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