He broke the ceiling of the house as he started transforming, and you had to shield yourself with whatever you could find as a protection: you didn't want to get burnt after all.

It was too soon: Lio didn't need to transform into a dragon again! What if Kray saw him? What if Kray killed him?! You would have returned to your boring life where you would have done nothing but carry on, without any excitement. You would have lost the boy you cared for.

Lio brought light in your life, you didn't want to succumb to darkness again. But more than that, you didn't want him to succumb to darkness, for his well-being.

It was as if you could feel his own pain.

"Lio Fotia! Stop it! I know you're still there!"

But would have he heard you with the noise his transformation was making?

He growled with all of his voice, and it would have been quite weird if no one heard him.

That was it: every hope of overturning the government had vanished. But it didn't matter in that moment, you only wanted your Lio back.

Approaching him was useless, and especially dangerous, you would have immediately melted even if you stood two meters from him: you didn't have a suit for standing in places with high temperatures.

You kept calling for him, but he wouldn't manage to listen.

He immediately plunged down, causing you to actually feel surprised, and disappeared into the planet's depths: he wasn't going to attack Foresight Tower? Then what was he going to attack?

When you realised it you felt a totally bad feeling.

The ministers' house were on the other side of Foresight Tower.

He was going to attack the ministers' houses.

You immediately rushed to the living room where you had left the ice-gun, ran away from the now destroyed house and dashed towards the houses belonging to those drunk secretaries.

Lio, I beg you, don't do anything stupid...!

Well, he technically already did it when he transformed into a dragon and growled. But why did all of his body turn into dark-purple? He was far from becoming all dark-purple, more or less half of his body was still in normal conditions, so why did he suddenly lose all of his control?

Was it because the minister had kissed your neck...?

You didn't have the time to think about it, but the thought of Lio losing his control for you surely left an impression in your mind.

It was almost dawn by now, but Lio still didn't attack: was he fighting with himself in that moment? Was he trying to stop himself from doing anything stupid?

You kept begging for someone to save him when you reached the minister's neighbourhood. Everything seemed quiet, and there were no signs of destruction nor of alarmed people.

There was too much silence.

Everything was too calm.

Suddenly, you heard a few steps behind you.

The minister who kissed you the night before was calmly walking towards his home, even though he was swaying as he walked: he still had effects of the alcohol running in his body.

The Last Burnish (Lio Fotia x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now