Part 13

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Phil's POV: (OMG really just wow)

I sat in shock about what I had just heard. Tommy had that ability and hid it. I turn towards Tommy and see him tearing up. "oh...mate, we're not mad at you I hope you know that, come here" I said holding my arms out waiting for him to hug me back. Soon enough we are all in a big family hug with Sammy standing awkwardly in the door frame of the living room. "I'm sorry I never told you guys" Tommy said in a quiet voice. "It's. okToms I'm just glad you're ok" I said and we counted to hug.

Bad's POV:

I went to visit Zak's dad today to see what we should do with him. I was just about at his cell when he called out to me. "King of demons, I don't. know what you did to my son but when I get out of here I am going to kill you and make sure that spell or whatever you did to my son will go away and he will be fixed" "Oh I did absolutely nothing your son, he just seemed to take a liking to me, you know" I said finally arriving at his cell. "Now lets see were we should bring you, I was think the northeast prison but they don't really do a lot of torturing, so I think we should send you to the far lands prison. I know the owners of that prison and by the time you do escape; if you escape, you won't be able to stop the wedding in time" I said with a nasty grin on my face. " I WILL NOT LET MY SON MARRY SOMEONE LIKE YOU" he shouted gripping onto the cold metal bars. "Sorry but you don't really have a choice in this" I said. With that I turned around and walked away as he was screaming at me that I couldn't do this to him.

~When he arrived back at the castle~

" 'Geppy I'm home" I said walking into the castle's kitchen, where he usually likes to go when I'm not home. "Oh Bad come here me and Niki just made some new pastries" he said pulling my arm into the room we let Niki bake in so that no one disturbed her while she made the pastries for our wedding. "Oh Skeppy these look amazing" I said picking one up and examining it. "Try one" Skeppy said excitedly, "Ok, ok I will" I said soon taking a bit of the pastry.

I was amazed by what Skeppy could make. The pastry tasted like something my mom use to make before she was killed. "Oh Skeppy this is so good" I semi-yelled, "Haha glad you like it but I think it's time we go to bed, we have a big day tomorrow" he said jumping onto my back. "Ok let's go"


Hey guys hope you all like this chapter. I will probably not upload for a while cause of work and stuff but also because of the news of Technoblade. It is really sad I know and it will take me a while to fully accept that he has passed. Well until next guys good bye and hope you all will get better as well

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