Part 4

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Zak's POV:
"Ugh what happened" I asked to no one in particular. I just remember summoning a demon and everything go black. "W-what, where am I" I asked taking in my surroundings. "Oh your in my palace, but if you like to know where exactly you are, you are in the ritual room" a voice said. I started to look around panicking, "Haha oh my I know you were going to be a joy to have" the voice said again, "Where are you and who are you and what are you" I asked gaining a chuckle out of the mysterious voice. "Oh love your so funny" the voice said and I started to feel hands snake around my waist, "W-wait did you say" I said feeling myself getting set onto someone's lap. "I said love because I am going to make you my king" the voice said and I turned around to see a demon. I go to scream but he covered my mouth before I could scream.

He got up and walked to the outside of what I think is the circle. "Now be good boy and try not to scream so much" he said and before I knew it he was saying a weird chant and soon enough I was immense pain. I started to scream but it muffled by the gag and also tried to move but I couldn't. "Oh love don't worry this will only hurt for about an hour ok" the demon said and walked over to me and put me on his lap. His warmth and him in general made me relax a bit. "Good boy, oh also we are getting married in a month" he said and with that I pass out due to pain.

Bad's POV:
I soon felt that my future husband fell asleep due to the pain he was in. 'Oh he is so cute when he is sleeping' I thought picking him up and walking to my bedroom.

After we got to my bedroom he was no longer in pain and his wings and horns and tail all finally came in. And I do have to say that they were the most beautiful diamond blue wings ever. 'Oh I can't wait for next month' I thought as I put him down on the bed. 'Now I think it's time to pick out an outfit for my fiancé' I thought as I went into the closet to find an outfit for sleeping fiancé.

After I picked out his outfit I heard him start to wake up. "Oh good morning my love" I said smiling and going to his side to help him get out bed. "What did you do to me" he asked in a somewhat shocked voiced. "Oh I just turned you into a demon my love now let's get you dressed, oh also I forgot to introduce myself. I am Badboyhalo or Darryl and I am the king of hell" I said helping him out get out of bed. "Well my name is Zak but my online name is Skeppy and you can choose which one to call me" he said and at that moment I knew that he has finally excepted to be here forever.

Zak's POV:
"So our wedding is in a month" I ask looking at him from what to appears to be my future throne. "Yes I am still making the preparations for it and trying to find people to help you get settled in and to get you the things" he answered and I looked at him shocked. "Wh-" I got cut off by him saying, "I may be the king of hell but that does not mean I'm not going to be nice to you" he said looking at me and then looking back as the doors to the throne room open and I few demon lady's came in. They bowed and started to talk about things. Soon I was getting really sleepy. "Hey Bad is that ok if I go to bed early or go take a nap" I ask looking over at him, "Oh love of course you can, here let me carry you to bed" he said and next thing I knew was that I was being carried to the bedroom. "Have a nice rest love" he said walking out of the bedroom and turning off the lights. Soon I fell asleep welcoming the void of darkness to consume me.

Zak's Dad's POV:
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CANT GET HIM BACK" Mara screamed, "I mean I can't just summon the king again and ask him for our son back" I said getting pissed at the fact that Mara thinks it's that easy to just summon a demon. "Well is there any way that we can go to hell and get him back" Sam asked looking pissed. "Well yes hut I do know that that child is not going to respond to me" I said turning away from the other of them, "Well why don't you give it a try" Mara said coming closer to me. "Ok we can give it a try but I'm telling you I don't think this will work" I said going to the kitchen to get everything ready. 'I hope your ok Zak' I thought getting everything.

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