Part 2

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~After Zak's graduation~
Zak's Mom's POV:
I was waiting by the front door waiting for Zak to pull into the drive way, but he never came. "Hey Sam sweety did you ever get call or something about Zak not being here" I asked Sam as I walked into the kitchen to see her sitting on the table. "Oh yeah dad is forcing him to stay at his place to teach him stuff or something" she said and I immediately knew what was going on. "Oh no, no, no, no. We are going to go and get Zak ourselves ok come on let's go" I said walking to my room to pack my stuff. 'Now that is the last straw Andrew'

Zak's POV:
"Dad do I really have to read this entire book" I asked looking my dad who just gave me the biggest book in all of world. "Yes Zak you have to read it now go to your room and read it" he said with a serious and annoyed tone, "Ok, ok, geez" I said and walked up to my room closing the door behind me and locking it. "Ok let's just read this thing and then we can play some Minecraft or something" I said as I sat down at my desk and started to read the book.

~2 hours later~
Finally I'm done reading this book. Now I can play some Minecraft. I started up my computer when I heard yelling coming from downstairs. 'What the heck is going on' I thought as I walked over to my door and unlocked it and tried to open it, key word, tried. It wouldn't open and I kept on trying to get it opened. 'What the hell is going on' I thought starting to bang on the door, "Hello dad, my door won't open" I yelled down to him. I heard the fighting stop and my dad coming up the stairs.

I quickly backed away from the door only to hear multiple locks being unlocked. 'Did he add more locks to my door while I was reading' I thought, but my train it thought was interrupted by my dad opening my door and coming into my room looking pissed. "Um, h-hey dad how are y-you" I asked him backing away from him very slowly. "If you dare leave this house without my permission you are going to have serious consequences, DO. YOU. UNDERSTAND" he said in a frightening tone. "Y-yes I understand perfectly well" I said with a shaky voice, "Good oh also did you finish reading that book" he asked looking at me with soft eyes. "Huh, Oh yeah I did" I said walking back over to my desk and grabbing the book. "Here is the book back" I said handing it to him, "Oh good now that you read it all in a week we can summon a demon, oh this is going to be so wonderful" my dad said walking out of my room.

'Well great' I thought as I looked outside to see that the sky is black. 'Gosh it's dark already, guess it's time for bed' I thought as I got ready for.

After I was done getting ready I turn of my lights, climb into bed and just lay there think about what life just did to me. "Tomorrow is another day" I said shutting my eyes and going to sleep.

Yay another part out and sorry this is shorter then the last one. I needed to make it short because my creativity juices were running low and also because I didn't want to spoil any more of the story for people. So yeah, anyways till next time bbbyyyyyeeeeeeeee. Also Happy Easter.

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