15 | pistols at dawn

Start from the beginning

So, he faired being hungry, and slowly made his way back towards his room.

When he returned, the sun was just beginning to set. His men were all hunkered down in their rooms, having no intention of enjoying the false pleasantries of what Tumbleweed Valley had to offer. As the door to his room slowly creaked open, he was greeted with darkness, along with a petite woman curled into a ball on the bed, fast asleep.

His heart swelled at the sight... but mostly in guilt. He discarded her without even a second thought. He left her in this darkness all alone. Sighing in frustration, he closed the door behind him and moved hastily across the room. Plucking the pack of matches hidden deeply in his back pocket, he lit the lantern atop the nightstand.

Then, he lay beside her on the bed and turned on his side, facing her. Too deep in sleep, Marinette didn't stir when the bed dipped. Her eyes didn't even twitch. Her breathing remained labored as she slept, and he couldn't find it in himself to look away as he watched her peacefully rest.

What he would give to be able to hold her in his arms...

He slowly frowned at that selfish thought. He had no right... absolutely no right...

And yet, his desire to hold her remained there, having yet to cease.

Frustrated with himself, he turned on his back. Above him, the old ceiling of the room was chipped in several places, in need of a new fresh coat of paint. The room reeked of old people and moths. Even the walls looked like they were about to collapse.

He shouldn't have paid that bloody crook a cent!

The sudden movement beside him averted his mind elsewhere. Turning back on his side, he couldn't help but blink owlishly when a pair of blue-bell eyes greeted him in the dimly lit room. Tiredness still laced her irises as she stared at him, but she seemed neither surprised nor angry to find him beside her.

He found himself apologizing, nonetheless. "Sorry..." he whispered breathlessly in the little space between them. "Did I wake you?"

She shook her head against the pillow. He couldn't help but smile softly at the sight.

Barely above a whisper, she asked, "When did you return?"

"Not too long ago." He replied just as quietly. The urge to wrap his arms around her suddenly resurfaced, more intense than before, and he had to do everything in his power to keep his arms tucked underneath his pillow.

She hummed, returning his smile sweetly. She didn't say anything else in response, but she didn't need to. Just having her there beside him was already lifting his spirits more than a walk through that bloody town ever could.

His smile turned a bit bitter as the thoughts of his sudden leave hours prior resurfaced, though. "I wanted to apologize for my abrupt exit earlier." A sigh left his lips. "I suppose it was a bit... ill-mannered of me."

Marinette's eyes softened. It was then that he realized she held no anger towards him. "Were you able to clear your head like you had hoped?"

"No," he admitted truthfully, "Whenever I am at this place... I sometimes lose the ability to remain focused. You shouldn't mind it much unless I treat you unfairly. Then, you can lecture me if need be."

She chuckled, a small toothy grin pulling at those perfect, kissable lips of hers. "I shall keep that in mind."

He matched her grin, realizing that even with the heaviness that weighed on him, her smile could push that negativity into the back of his mind in a matter of seconds.

Her smile sobered a bit though, when she asked, "Why does this place make you feel so uneasy?"

His smile fell entirely at that. Could he share a bit of himself with her tonight regarding the horrors this place reminded him of? Did he even want to be the one to corrupt her mind with such nightmares?

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