Chapter 19

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Once Frank and Gerard got back to Franks apartment Frank pulled him straight to his bedroom "I love you so much" he said before pressing their lips together roughly.

Gerard chuckled and pulled away slightly "I love you too Frankie, let's lay down first huh"

Once they laid down Frank pulled Gerard on top of him "I just wanna be close to you" he said as he put his hands on Gerard's hips.

Gerard chuckled and slipped one arm under Franks neck, his other hand caressing his cheek "you're so clingy I love it" he said.

Frank leaned up and kissed Gerard softly, his hand laying on Gerard's neck.

Frank grunts and moved both his hands down to Gerard's ass and grabbed it roughly, both boys started grinding against each other, Gerard sighed and pulled away "Frankie, stop" he whispered softly.

Frank frowned "what's wrong, w-was I not good last night, oh god" he said worriedly.

Gerard shakes his head and kissed him softly "no Frankie, you were amazing last night but I just don't want our relationship to just be sex, I don't mind having sex but I'd rather we still cuddled and kissed like we did before, it doesn't always have to be sexual" he said softly, Frank blushed and nods his head "yeah, I get it" he whispered before rubbing Gerard's back "besides we gotta start working on the project again, we're gonna fail if we don't finish it"

Frank whined as Gerard got off him "but Gerard, I wanna be close to you"

Gerard chuckled and walked over to his backpack and pulled out his sketchbook "later Frankie, I promise, now I've got all the sketches done, I just need to colour, have you been working on the presentation"

Frank looked up at the ceiling with a guilty look "uhh, kinda"

Gerard looked over at Frank and sighed "Frank what have you done since we got together" he asked with one of his eyebrows raised "Frank"

The shorter boy groaned and sat up "ok none, I've just been investing all my time into you, when have you been finding time to draw" he asked softly, Gerard blushed "uh I don't have the best sleeping pattern" he said "besides don't change the subject, you're not getting any affection until you have done at least 3 slides of the presentation" he said sternly, Frank threw himself back on the bed "nooooooo, Gerard you can't do this to me" he cried out.

Gerard rolled his eyes "well how about if you do this, I'll suck your dick this weekend" he said softly, Frank sat up quickly "really"

Gerard smiled and nods his head proudly, he got Franks attention "yeah, but you have to have 3 slides done today and then you must have it close to finished by this weekend, you've got 5 days, I done some research last night so you can use my notebook"

Frank grinned "yay, ok I'll do that"

Gerard nods his head as Frank picked up his laptop and sat next to Gerard excitedly before kissing his cheek "but you still don't get affection until you've done three slides"

Frank groaned and quickly grabbed his note book and typed as fast as he could, making sure everything was correctly spelled and made sense.

After half a hour Frank started to get bored "babe can I sit in your lap" he asked with a pout, Frank turned to Frank after being so concentrated on his colouring "oh uh, give me 10 minuets, I'm nearly finished with the colour pencil drawing"

Frank sighed as he turned back to his laptop, he was half way through the third slide, maybe he'd have it done in 5 minutes.

Once Frank completed the slide he cheered with victory before moving his laptop to the side "woohoo yes, now I get my dick sucked on Saturday" he said with a smirk, Gerard rolled his eyes "only if you have the presentation almost finished by Saturday, I wanna see it as well"

Frank rolled his eyes "yeah yeah whatever, can we make out now" he said quickly, Gerard looked down at the colours drawing in front of him, it was practically done now, he sighed and shrugged "why don't you pick a movie for us to watch and let me just put the finishing touches to this drawing"

Frank let out a loud groan and moved his laptop back onto his lap and looked through Netflix.

Once he found a movie he was satisfied with, Gerard had started putting his pencils away very slowly, causing Frank to go insane.

"God damn just put them in the damn box" Frank mumbled annoyedly, Gerard smirked knowing what he was doing would annoy Frank.

Once the pencilled were finally away be out them in his backpack and pushed Frank back softly before climbing on top of him "so impatient" he said before nuzzling his face into Franks neck.

Frank let out a sigh of content and wrapped his arms around Gerard's shoulders "sometimes I wish you weren't as confident around me, cause a few months ago you would have put the pencils away quicker and you wouldn't be so cocky about how much I want attention"

Gerard rolled his eyes "fine, you want me to go back to the way I was, too scared to talk to you, too scared to even look at you"he said with a little bit of annoyance.

Frank foreword his eyebrows "why were you scared of doing that, what did you think would happen" he asked worriedly.

Gerard didn't reply and just snuggled into Frank more "can we just drop it please" he asked quickly, Frank sighed "I don't wanna but I guess we can"

Laying there Gerard thought about all the reasons he was scared to talk to Frank.

Being made fun of for stuttering cause he liked Frank so much.

Getting rejected and called a faggot.

Getting punched in the face if he said the wrong thing.

Afraid to go being alone.

Frank kissed Gerard's forehead softly and played with his hair, Gerard's face buried into his neck.

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