Chapter 5

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It had been a week since then and Frank was flirting with Gerard as much as he could without it getting too suspicious.

They were at Gerard place now and Gerard was drawing a representation of the first ever pride parade, Frank watched with amazement occasionally looking up at Gerard's face, it was full of concentration.

Gerard let out a frustrated groan and sat back "I just can't get the shape of this flag properly"

Frank hummed "I mean I think it looks pretty good, a lot better than I can do"

Gerard hummed "but it needs to be perfect" he said firmly, Frank chuckled "you've been working on this for about a hour now, why don't we take a break huh, we can relax talk a little more, would a cuddle make you feel better" he said shyly.

Gerard blushed as Frank got up and walked Uber to Gerard's bed "yeah, maybe that'll make me feel better" he said before following Frank, Franks forearm laid under Gerard's neck their legs tangled together "so, where did you lear to draw they're amazing" Frank said as he looked at some of the pictures on the wall.

Gerard shrugged "I dunno, my grandma liked to teach me when I was like 7 and since then I just fell in love with it" he replied softly, he remembered how full of life his grandma was and how excited she was when Gerard would bring her drawings "oh yeah, that's pretty cool, what else do you like to do"

Gerard sighed softly as he thought about it "uh I like playing video games even though I've not had much time to play them for a while, I sing in the shower but that's about it"

Frank hummed "so what video games to you play" he asked Gerard shrugged "halo, gta, cod stuff like that"

Frank nods his head "sounds cool, you gotta tech me how to play some day, I don't have a Xbox or anything so I can't play games" he replied, Gerard nods his head and scoots a little closer "yeah we can do that some day"

Franks arm wrapped around Gerard's back, Gerard's head moved up to Franks bicep, his hand on Franks chest, their faces were pretty close "you're really pretty Gerard"

Gerard heart started beating fast "you're really cute Frankie" he replied as Franks arm hooked around Gerard's neck.

Frank licked his lips and started leaning in a little as Gerard leaned in to close the gap Gerard bedroom door flung open "Gerard where are my shoes I know you ha-"

Gerard jumped away from Frank and sat up "they're over there" Gerard said with a glare, pointing over in the direction of his brothers shoes.

Mikey awkwardly walked across the room and grabbed them before quickly getting out of the room leaving the two boys in a awkward silence.

After a couple more seconds Gerard got off the bed "I-I'm gonna, uh finish this drawing"

Frank nods his head before turning to the ceiling, how could Mikey do this, he was so close to kissing Gerard and now he didn't know if he'd get the chance again.

But the more he thought about it, Gerard did get closer to him and he also did lean in, so he must have wanted the kiss just as much as Frank did.

"Can I watch you draw again" Frank asked as he turned his head to Gerard, Gerard hummed and nods his head.

Frank was quick to move and sat next to him on a different chair, Frank thought really hard about what he was gonna say to Gerard, he didn't want it to be awkward or too cheesy.

"Ya know, you look beautiful when you draw" Frank said softly before looking up at Gerard, he was blushing and it made Franks smile wider "well you always look beautiful anyway"

Gerard bites his lip and stops drawing "I-I uh I-I-I"

Frank smirked as Gerard looked at him shyly "uh no" he replied, it sounded like a question, it make Frank chuckle "you're cute"

Gerard couldn't even look at Frank anymore, Frank leaned over and kissed his cheek softly, he let his lips linger for a while before pulling away a little, Gerard turned his head slightly their lips unbelievably close "next move is yours Gerard" Frank whispered, Gerard bites his bottom lip for a couple seconds before letting it go and pressing his lips to Franks.

Gerard heart was beating out of his chest, Frank stood from his chair keeping their lips together before climbing onto Gerard's lap, Gerard let go of his pencil and wrapped his arms around Franks waist, Franks hands resting on a Gerard's shoulders.

Gerard felt himself getting more confidence so he pushed his tongue past Franks lips, Frank opening his mouth for Gerard.

A soft sigh slips from Franks mouth as his hands ran through Gerard's hair, Gerard let out a soft grunt as he pulled Frank closer.

There was a knock on the door and they pulled away, Frank quickly sat back on his chair "come in" Gerard called out.

The door opened "Hey sorry to interrupt your studying but I was wondering if Frank would be staying for dinner" Donna asked softly, Frank nods his head "sure that sounds great, I'm a vegetarian though"

Donna chuckled "don't worry Mikey already told me" she replied before closing the door.

Once they were sure they would be left alone, Gerard got off the bed and grabbed Franks wrist, pulling him over to the bed with him.

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