Chapter 11: Baking Up Answers

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"I wouldn't blame her, besides, she's mourning."

"As long as she isn't getting drunk or anything, I'll just let her mourn like she needs to."

"Unless Gilbert's been influencing her."

"She knows to stay away from alcohol."



"She's a Germanic, for fucks sake."

"Yea, but she's responsible, unlike Gilbert."

"She's still young and impressionable."

"... Do you know something I don't?"


"So stop acting like it."


The two continued baking, Emma constantly asking questions. Although Vash was curious, he didn't bother to ask why. Besides, he knew Emma was naturally curious, always wondering about everything. It was honestly weird to Vash because not even Lilli asked this many questions.

But Emma had to know. She had to know more about Lilli and Vash. She had to know about their past. Their relationship with the rest of the Germanics. Their relationship with each other. It was all she could think of. Everything she was worried about was overshadowed by the painful curiosity of it all.

Emma asked everything that came to her mind.

But it was all about Lilli.

She had to know more.

All about their past.

All about their present.

And maybe she could solve their future.

So Lilli could finally see her big brother again.

After that conversation she and Lilli had, it felt oh so real to Emma how their relationship really was. It honestly reminded Emma of her and her older brother, Dirk. They were always there for each other. She compared the situation to as if Roderich was Luca, Jack was Elizaveta, Dirk was Vash, and she was Lilli.

It made it a lot easier for her to understand, imagining a heartbroken Jack over the sudden loss of Luca, a Dirk with survivor's guilt, and herself, caught up in the middle of it all.

It made her realize not just what Lilli was feeling, but Vash too. That wasn't just a random guy he was in a car with. It was Roderich. Their older brother. Someone who was supposed to be able to live much longer than this. Someone who wasn't meant to have their life cut off early by a stupid decision.

Emma couldn't help it.

She just...

Hugged him.



"Why are you hugging me?"

Damaged - A Hetalia AU (ON HOLD)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora