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Start from the beginning

"did it" Y/n said happily looking up to me with big innocent eyes that i had never seen before

"Well done Y/n" i smiled

"fank chu" She replied before freezing and covering her mouth at the mispronunciation and going bright red.

"are you okay" i asked in concern as she started to tear up. She kept her eye contact away from me but nodded her head slowly.

"Okay hun" i said gently and stood back up, going back to my chair and continuing with the lesson.

"Y/n would you mind staying back sweetheart" i asked after dismissing everybody. Fear rolled over her eyes as she melted into her seat, turning red.

"Your not in trouble don't worry" i said pulling up a chair again and sitting down in front of Y/n.

"i just wanted to ask you a few question, is that okay" Y/n nodded her head slowly and kept her head down

"i was just wondering what was going on today. Your the smarted person in my class and you got stuck on the simple question. Not that's it a problem i was just a bit concerned" I explained, Y/n stayed quiet not speaking up

"You know you can speak to me, i know i shout a lot but I'm friendly" I chuckled

"too 'ard" Y/n mumbled quietly

"what was too hard" i asked ignoring her mispronunciation

" 'at 'ork" she said louder, pointing to the paper work

" 'ook at my 'uttfly" Y/n squealed pointing to the squiggly line that was drawn down Y/n paper. I was confused as to what was happening. I have had my suspicions of Y/n being a little for a while now, seeing as what has recently happened in my classes but nothing as big as this.

Normally it would be small 'tantrums' if you could even call them that, she would get upset with herself and run out. This also wasn't the first time i had heard her mispronouncing words either.

"That's super pretty Y/n" i smiled, she looked up at me and smiled back before lifting her pen back up and drawing more on her paper

" 'ook, it 'e an' 'ou" Y/n squealed pointing to the 2 little stickmen that sat at the bottom of the paper

"Woah, which one is you" i asked excitedly, i would be lying right now if i said this wasn't cute, as right now i was trying not to coo out loud

" 'at's 'e an' 'at's 'ou" Y/n said pointing to the smaller stickman first with long hair and then the taller stickman with curly hair which i assumed was me

"That's amazing Y/n" She looked up at me, thanking me before bringing her frog stuffy up

"His name is 'oogy the froggie" Y/n giggled shoving the frog in my face, i took it of her and turned it around so it was facing her

"Woah, he look's cute" i chuckled placing him down on the desk

"Do you want to stay with me today, in my classroom" i asked feeling unsure about Y/n wandering about when she was like this. I still had to actually  ask Y/n if she was a little but for now i would say that she is.

" 'es pwease, 'essor" She beamed, i chuckled at her excitement

"Natasha is completely fine love" i said  standing up and walking back over to my desk, grabbing some paper

"Do you want some paper to color and draw on" i asked walking back over to Y/n

" 'es pwease Natty" Y/n said politely, i tried so hard not to coo out loud and just about held it in

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