19 Secret History

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They all stared at the French detective, who smiled back at them.

"But yes," he said, "it is true."

There was a pause for a general readjusting of ideas. Then Virginia turned to Battle.

"Do you know what I think, Superintendent Battle?"

"What do you think, Mrs. Revel?"

"I think the time has come to enlighten us a little."

"To enlighten you? I don't quite understand, Mrs. Revel."

"Superintendent Battle, you understand perfectly. I dare say Mr. Lomax has hedged you about with recommendations of secrecy—George would, but surely it's better to tell us than have us stumbling on the secret all by ourselves, and perhaps doing untold harm. M. Lemoine, don't you agree with me?"

"Madame, I agree with you entirely."

"You can't go on keeping things dark for ever," said Battle. "I've told Mr. Lomax so. Mr. Eversleigh is Mr. Lomax's secretary, there's no objection to his knowing what there is to know. As for Mr. Cade, he's been brought into the thing willy-nilly, and I consider he's a right to know where he stands. But——"

Battle paused.

"I know," said Virginia. "Women are so indiscreet! I've often heard George say so."

Lemoine had been studying Virginia attentively. Now he turned to the Scotland Yard man.

"Did I hear you just now address Madame by the name of Revel?"

"That is my name," said Virginia.

"Your husband was in the Diplomatic Service, was he not? And you were with him in Herzoslovakia just before the assassination of the late King and Queen."


Lemoine turned again.

"I think Madame has a right to hear the story. She is indirectly concerned. Moreover"—his eyes twinkled a little—"Madame's reputation for discretion stands very high in Diplomatic circles."

"I'm glad they give me a good character," said Virginia, laughing. "And I'm glad I'm not going to be left out of it."

"What about refreshments?" said Anthony. "Where does the conference take place? Here?"

"If you please, sir," said Battle, "I've a fancy for not leaving this room until morning. You'll see why when you've heard the story."

"Then I'll go and forage," said Anthony.

Bill went with him and they returned with a tray of glasses, siphons and other necessaries of life.

The augmented syndicate established itself comfortably in the corner by the window, being grouped round a long oak table.

"It's understood, of course," said Battle, "that anything that's said here is said in strict confidence. There must be no leakage. I've always felt it would come out one of these days. Gentlemen like Mr. Lomax who want everything hushed up take bigger risks than they think. The start of this business was just over seven years ago. There was a lot of what they call Reconstruction going on—especially in the Near East. There was a good deal going on in England, strictly on the Q.T. with that old gentleman, Count Stylptitch, pulling the strings. All the Balkan States were interested parties, and there were a lot of Royal Personages in England just then. I'm not going into details, but Something disappeared—disappeared in a way that seemed incredible unless you admitted two things—that the thief was a Royal Personage and that at the same time it was the work of a high-class professional. M. Lemoine here will tell you how that well might be."

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