14 Mainly Political and Financial

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Except for that involuntary twitch of the eyelids, Superintendent Battle's impassivity was unimpaired. If he had been surprised at Virginia's recognition of Anthony, he did not show it. He and Lord Caterham stood together and watched those two go out through the garden door. Mr. Fish also watched them.

"Nice young fellow, that," said Lord Caterham.

"Vurry nice for Mrs. Revel to meet an old friend," murmured the American. "They have been acquainted some time, presoomably?"

"Seems so," said Lord Caterham. "But I've never heard her mention him before. Oh, by the way, Battle, Mr. Lomax has been asking for you. He's in the Blue morning-room."

"Very good, Lord Caterham. I'll go there at once."

Battle found his way to the Blue morning-room without difficulty. He was already familiar with the geography of the house.

"Ah, there you are, Battle," said Lomax.

He was striding impatiently up and down the carpet. There was one other person in the room, a big man sitting in a chair by the fireplace. He was dressed in very correct English shooting clothes which nevertheless sat strangely upon him. He had a fat yellow face, and black eyes, as impenetrable as those of a cobra. There was a generous curve to the big nose and power in the square lines of the vast jaw.

"Come in, Battle," said Lomax irritably. "And shut the door behind you. This is Mr. Herman Isaacstein."

Battle inclined his head respectfully.

He knew all about Mr. Herman Isaacstein, and though the great financier sat there silent, whilst Lomax strode up and down and talked, he knew who was the real power in the room.

"We can speak more freely now," said Lomax. "Before Lord Caterham and Colonel Melrose, I was anxious not to say too much. You understand, Battle? These things mustn't get about."

"Ah!" said Battle. "But they always do, more's the pity."

Just for a second he saw a trace of a smile on the fat yellow face. It disappeared as suddenly as it had come.

"Now what do you really think of this young fellow—this Anthony Cade?" continued George. "Do you still assume him to be innocent?"

Battle shrugged his shoulders very slightly.

"He tells a straight story. Part of it we shall be able to verify. On the face of it, it accounts for his presence here last night. I shall cable to South Africa, of course, for information about his antecedents."

"Then you regard him as cleared of all complicity?"

Battle raised a large square hand.

"Not so fast, sir. I never said that."

"What is your own idea about the crime, Superintendent Battle?" asked Isaacstein, speaking for the first time.

His voice was deep and rich, and had a certain compelling quality about it. It had stood him in good stead at board meetings in his younger days.

"It's rather too soon to have ideas, Mr. Isaacstein. I've not got beyond asking myself the first question."

"What is that?"

"Oh, it's always the same. Motive. Who benefits by the death of Prince Michael? We've got to answer that before we can get anywhere."

"The Revolutionary party of Herzoslovakia——" began George.

Superintendent Battle waved him aside with something less than his usual respect.

"It wasn't the Comrades of the Red Hand, sir, if you're thinking of them."

The Secret of Chimneys (1925)Where stories live. Discover now