chapter 12: why are they giving up on me?

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kaito pov:

denki hasn't been at the hideout in a week. He told me he had to go back to school so it wouldn't look suspicious. I'm not gonna lie, it's kinda lonely without him. Nobody comes into this room except dabi and toga. And that is only to give me food, they never stay to talk. The only thing entertaining me is the tv.

"Food you brat" Dabi burst into the room with another one of those gross noodles. because denki isn't here I'm getting noodles again. I'll never like noodles again. Taking the cup, he started walking away

"Dabi! When is denki coming back?" I stopped him before he left

"I don't know and I don't care"


"Could you at least give me some company? I'm lonely" I pouted. I really am lonely. It's weird not having denki here. It's I'm not gonna say it. Cause if I do I just know I have Stockholm syndrome. I'm not gonna say that I like denki's company. That would be crazy. Yeah... so crazy.

"Oh Isn't your toy boy here?" Dabi fake pouted. 

"Can you stop being a dick for once? Gosh I don't understand how shigaraki can put up with you" I said, pinching the bridge of my nose. Like how are those two dating? How is dusty crusty dating the reject Gucci bag? 

"Cause I can give him amazing sex you little twerp. well then, ta ta" he said, waving me goodbye. 

"Asshole!" I yelled after him, throwing my pillow towards him, but he closed the door just in time. What to do now? My source of entertainment just left after being in this room for like 2 minutes.Back to the tv then.

kaminari pov:

here goes nothing.


"hello, Who are you?" Mister Agawa asked me as he opened the door. Damn, he looks even worse then before. Me taking kaito really took a toll on him. he had huge bags under his eyes, his hair was disheveled and he looked 10 times older then the last time I saw him. *sniff* ugh when was the last time he took a shower? he stinks.

"I'm denki kaminari sir, I'm a friend of kaito" I told him. his body tensed as his eyes widened. tears pooled his eyes, but he held them in.

"O-oh, are you the regular that came almost everyday?" He asked me. I nodded, and he sighed. "Do you need anything?"

"No sir, I just wanted to say that Kaito is fine." I told him . 

"You know where kaito is!? Please son, you have to tell me!" He lunched for me, holding my shoulders tightly. Tears were threatening to fall from his eyes, a desperate look in his eyes. 

"I don't know where he is sir. before he left he told me to tell you that he's okay. He loves you but he just needed some time"

"B-but, why would he tell you that? Why not me? And for what would he need time?" He asked in confusion. 

"Maybe because you would stop him?" I shrugged. Tears now ran down his face, as he hold his shirt tightly in his fist.

"W-what did I do wrong? Did I push him to far?  Didn't I show him enough love? Was I not a good father?" He muttered to himself. Ugh this man is pathetic. Why does he even care? Why would a parents care so much about their child? It just doesn't make sense. 

"I'll leave you be sir. Kaito is fine I promise" I told him as I walked away. He still stood there in the doorway muttering to himself. of course Kaito safe, he's with me. And he'll stay with me. 


"Ah you're finally back, the brat has been asking for you" Dabi said to me from the couch when I walked in.

"Do you really have to cuddle with shigaraki so openly?" I asked him. They are always in each others embrace on the couch. And 9 out of 10 they are making out. I just wanna burn that couch. Just disgusting.

"Like you wouldn't do the same with agawa" Shigaraki smirked at me. Well he got a point there. Ignoring their kissing, I walked upstairs to kaito. He's been asking for me? Does this mean he's starting to like me?

"Kaito, I'm back" I called out. I was immediately pulled into a hug. Seeing a bunch of blue hair in front of me, I chuckled. 

"Where were you!? Don't you know how lonely I was! All I could do was watch tv! There was nothing else to do!" Kaito grumbled while hugging me tight. I can't see it, but I just know he's pouting. 

"Ah, did you miss me this much?" I chuckled. Kaito froze for a bit, before pushing me away. He looked away from me, while crossing his arms. 

"I didn't miss you. I was just bored" He pouted. God he's cute. And he's all mine. 

"Mhm, if you say so" I shrugged, ruffling his hair. Taking of my jacket, I went to lay down on the bed. Damn I missed my own bed! I had to get an apartment to hide the fact that I live at the LOV hideout .And let me tell you, that bed is god awful! This one smells nice like kaito. 

"Uhm denki?" Kaito asked me as he stood awkwardly in front of the bed. Sitting up a bit, I patted the spot next to me. He crawled on the bed, sitting next to me.

"Yes kaito"

"I was wondering if I could have some games or books. G-games like in board games, You know...for when you're here, so we can play together." he said while fumbling with his fingers. "B-but you don't have to! I'll just watch tv!" He quickly said, frantically waving his hands. Grabbing both his hands, I kissed his knuckles

"What kind of board games would you like?" I asked him. His eyes widened, and a big smile appeared on his face

"Well I would like monopoly, but that one is a bit long. So maybe we could get game of life. Or we could get some card games. If we do that we should get-" I just let Kaito ramble on which game he wanted. I can't even explain how cute kaito is. Like a bunny. 

"I'll get you whatever game you want" I stopped him from rambling. a blush spread across his cheeks, as he now fumbled with my fingers. " Are their any books you want?" 

"I'll just give you a list" He said, still fumbling with my fingers. "Have you gone to my father?" 

"I have" I told him

"And!? How is he!? What did he say!?" He squeezed my hands. 

"He's fine. He's happy that you're safe" I told him. He raised an eyebrow in confusion, not believing my lie at all. 

"Was that all?" he asked.

"Yeah. He even looked relieved hearing that you're okay" I lied. Kaito doesn't need to know that he was a bigger mess then before. He would want to leave, and I can't have that. I haven't been as happy as now that kaito is here. He makes my life better in this godawful world.

"That doesn't sound like my dad. My dad would be crazy worried, I'm all he has! Denki, please be honest. Are you lying to me?" He asked me desperately. 

"Kaito, I'm telling the truth."

"that's not possible!" He yelled, slamming his hands on the bed. Tears streamed down his face, as he held the blanket tight in his fist. "Why doesn't he care! I'm his only son! Why is he okay with me leaving!?" he screamed

"Why is everybody giving up on me" He sobbed. He latched himself on me, holding my shirt tight. His body shook, as the tears were wetting my shirt. Wrapping my arms around his waist, I gently swayed him back and forth

"I haven't giving up on you kaito. I'm here for you, and I'll never leave"

You're finally mine!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora