Chapter 8: I'm sorry katsuki

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Kaito pov:

"W-what?" kaminari at me in shock. He looked hurt by the news, as he clenched his fist together.

"Me and kaito are dating dunce face" katsuki smirked, wrapping his arm around me. If looks could kill, katsuki would be dead right now. kaminari was glaring at him, but katsuki didn't care.

"Since when? SINCE WHEN AGAWA!?" kaminari yelled at me, making me flinch. Katsuki pulled me behind him, now glaring at kaminari.

"Since yesterday" Katsuki said.

"Y-you said you didn't want a boyfriend. You wanted to be single!" kaminari yelled, his voice shaking. I could tell he was trying to keep in his tears, as he let his quirk come out. I feel bad for him, he really likes me. But I just don't see him that way, and besides, I like katsuki.

"He just doesn't like you kaminari"

"He does! he just doesn't know that yet!" Denki yelled, gripping at his hair. Denki was acting just like the way he did in the hallway that one time. It's scaring me.

"what the hell is going on with you dunce face?" Katsuki asked.

"Fuck off bakugou! This isn't over" He glared, walking away. Katsuki turned to look at me in shock, but I just shrugged. I don't know what's going on with him. I want my friend back

"Should we tell aizawa about this?" I asked katsuki, but he just shook his head.

"He's just butt hurt cause I'm dating you" He chuckled, giving me a kiss on the forehead.

"Still, he's scaring me"

"Don't be kaito, I'll protect you!" Katsuki smirked, pulling me over his shoulder. We both laughed as he brought me to my seat. Katsuki is so nice, I don't understand why he acts like such a jerk. Especially to midoriya. Like he's so nice, he doesn't deserve being treated like that.

"Okay class, let's start"


It's been 3 weeks since we told everybody me and katsuki are dating. I haven't seen kaminari since. He hasn't come to school, and he hasn't come to the restaurant. It's like he vanished from the earth. There have been a lot of villain attacks lately. Pro heroes are busy trying to find out where they are coming from. Their is this new villain called static.

The pro heroes have tried to find his identity, but the only thing they have found is that he's a teenager. They don't know his quirk cause he never uses it. He hides his face in his hood, the only thing visible is his sinister grin. He has killed 3 pro heroes already, 3 PRO HEROES! And don't get me started on the number of civilians. Kids, mothers, teenagers, adults, it doesn't matter, he will kill them. Dad has closed the restaurant for the time being, he's afraid static will barge in.

Katsuki had been really protective of me. Everyday he comes to my house to bring me to school. He never let's me walk alone, fear of me being a victim. The pro heroes train us harder so that if he were to show up we could fight him. Days are exhausting. I barely have the energy to study or make homework after all that training.

Ugh and now I have to wake up again for school, great. Doing my morning routine, I went downstairs for breakfast. Eating my cereal I waited for katsuki while checking my phone.

"New attack by static. 5 civilians found dead" I sighed. Another 5 deaths to the list. How many more? and why is he doing this? the LOV barely kills anybody, civilians that is. They usually try to kill heroes. static is going for everybody.


grabbing my stuff, I placed my now empty bowl in the sink. Opening the door katsuki stood there with a smile on his face.

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