Chapter 6: i like you too

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Kaito pov:

"Bakugou fuck off!" I yelled at him, shooting water at him. Aizawa put us together for sparring, but this motherfucker is trying to kill me! I have barely any time to relax, cause the second I do I get an explosion right up my ass. Talk about explosive diarrhea.

"Come on, I'm not even going so hard" He chuckled, firing more explosions towards me.

"You're gonna kill me!" I yelled, swaying me arms frantically, trying to hit the explosions with water. "AAAAAAH" I let out a battle cry, going faster with my quirk.

"Times up! everybody get dressed" I heard the beautiful sound of Aizawa's voice say.

"Thank. you!" I threw my fist up in the air, letting myself fall on the ground. Rolling on to my back, I saw Bakugou leaning above me.

"Wanna spar next time" He said with a grin.

"Never. again" I said in between breaths. He laughed, holding his hand in front of me. Like I have the energy to get up right now. Ha, silly boy.

"Come on agawa, don't be such a weak pussy"

"Carry me"


"Carry me"


"Pretty please, with a cherry on top?" I said, giving him puppy eyes with a pout. He chuckled, rubbing his face. He picked me up bridle style, giving my ass a sneaky little squeeze. "I felt that you know" I glared, crossing my arms.

"And I don't care" He laughed, giving another squeeze. I want to slap him so badly right now, but then he would drop me. And I rather have my ass still intact. resting my head on Bakugou's shoulder, I got a shiver that ran down my spine. Why do I have the feeling somebody is watching me? Looking around I couldn't see anything suspicious. It's probably nothing... said everybody in a horror movie!

Finally arriving at the dressing rooms, I found it weird that Bakugou was still holding me. Like, I can move now, let me go! Trying to wiggle out of his embrace, he just held me tighter.

"You do know I can take it from here right?"

"Oh, You don't want my help? You know I'm willing to help you, right?" He smirked at me.

"You just want to see my butt" I smirked back, booping his nose.

"Maybe, maybe not. Who will say?"

"Bakubro, Are you flirting with agawa?" Looking to my right, I saw kirishima pointing at us, holding in his laughter. Everybody was looking at us now, making me hide my face in bakugou shoulder. Which is totally not helping right now, cause now it definitely looks like we are a couple... not that I care though, hehehe.

"Fuck off shitty hair!"

"We have the same hairstyle!"

"Okay, bakugou please let me go" I clapped my hands, looking at him. He tsked,  putting me down, much to his dismay.


"bye midoriya, see you tomorrow!" I waved him goodbye. Walking to my house, I felt somebody grab my hand. Swinging my leg towards the persons head, he fell towards the ground, groaning in pain.

"WTF agawa!"

"Bakugou? why the hell are you following me?" I sighed, at the site of him. I'm glad it was him and not some nasty old pervert. Holding my hand out for him, He grabbed it. Pulling him up, I gasped at the bump on his head. Damn, I hit him hard.

"I'm bringing you home, that's why I'm following you!" He groaned, rubbing the spot.

"Your house is the other way, this is a huge detour!"

"I want to take you home, is that so bad?" He tsked, putting his hands in his pockets.

"No, it's not bad. I just wonder, why?" He turned his head away, but I could see the blush resting on his cheeks.

"Cause I want to take you home, end of story. Now let's go, I don't wanna be any more late then I'm already am." He said, starting to walk towards my house. Running up to him, I grabbed his hand making him flinch. He wanted to pull away, but after seeing my face, he grabbed my hand tightly. Rubbing it with his finger.

"You wanna stay for dinner? Dad can make spicy ramen again" I offered. Please say yes, please say yes!

"my old hag is gonna complain, but I don't care. Sure squirtle, I'll stay for dinner"

"Squirtle? Do I look like a pokemon to you?" i raised an eyebrow at him. Like I do not look like a blue turtle! The disrespect. I do love squirtle though, he's one of the only pokemons I know but that's okay!

"Well your back is always hunched over, so It could be your turtle back. And your hair is blue". He laughed. Slapping him against his arm, he started laughing even harder.

"You fucking asshole! My back is not hunched over! You always lean back, with your hands in your pockets, acting all badass! It just looks like you need to shit!" I mocked him by putting my hands in my pockets, leaning back, and walking like I have to shit!

"I do not walk like that!" He yelled at me, making me mock him even more. I even started running like that, making him even more pissed. "Agawa get back here, I do not walk like that!"

"Fuck off you extra!" I yelled at him. Hearing explosions, I started running like normal, laughing my ass off. I didn't get far with running, cause bakugou picked me up bridle style, making us fly in the air. This motherfucker and showing off his quirk

"Btw, good hit with your leg. You finally listened" He smirked, holding me tightly.

"Yeah, I did get a good hit on you. Now I can tell everybody tomorrow that I beat THE bakugou katsuki's ass" He snapped his head towards me, looking at me in shock.

"You are NOT gonna tell people that I lost because I got hit in the face!"

"What do I get in return? I'm only doing it for some-MMMM" I was cut off by Bakugou kissing me.


I think am gonna faint! He's actually kissing me. This is my first kiss! Good thing I'm not standing right now, cause my legs feel like jelly. Am I the only one hearing fireworks right now?  How does he taste like caramel?! It's delicious. Maybe I should kiss him back, yeah let's do that.

Slowly kissing him back, I let out a small moan. Fuck! Please don't tell me he heard that. Fucking embarrassing! Bakugou pulled away from the kiss, much to my dismay. He had a huge smirk on his face, wiping the edge of my mouth with his thumb.

"Does this mean you like me as well?" He smirked, putting his thumb in his mouth. I'm gonna faint, I'm definitely gonna faint. I hid my face in his jacket so he couldn't see my red face. It must be as red as a tomato.

"So, you like me?" Nodding, he gave my ass a little squeeze. "I wanna hear words" motherfucker.

"Yes" I muttered in his jacket.

"What was that? I can't hear you" I swear to god, I wanna wipe that smirk off of his face!

"Yes I like you"

"Louder Please"

"I LIKE YOU OKAY! I like katsuki Bakugou! Happy?!" I yelled in his face, getting stares all around me. The smirk on his face just grew. I was about to hide my face again, but Bakugou made it impossible. He grabbed my cheek, softly stroking it. He looked at me with love in his eyes, his smirk now turning into a genuine smile.

"I like you too"

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