Chapter 4

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*Light ans Ryuzaki explain the situation along with Misa hoping that she will understand*

Misa was understanding enough and had finally figured out the situation. Still upset she rises from her seat and leaving at in instant. "Well Light I have no reason to be here any longer. I would love to stay longer but I have a photo shoot in a bit. I hope you understand." Misa leaves the headquarters and its starting to get dark.

It was time for Light to sleep. He was exhausted from staring at screens and words for so long. His eyes were tired but something about being handcuffed to Ryuzaki made him get chills. (In a good way). Every time Ryuzaki would talk to Light he would feel something strange in his stomach. As if there were butterflies.

"Light? Is something on your mind?" Ryuzaki questioned Light. He was worried since everything that is happening at this moment could be taking a toll on Light mentally.

"Uh no it's nothing. Can we head to the room with the bed? I'm not feeling too well and besides all that screen staring took a toll on my vision." Light said as he was rubbing his temples. "And Ryuzaki, you should sleep as well it's not healthy staying up all the time."

"Alright if you insist. I guess it's time to sleep for once."

Light entered the room first. Forgetting Ryuzaki was behind him and still handcuffed Light jumped onto the bed back first. This led to Ryuzaki falling on top of Light.

"Oh! Ryuzaki I'm so sorry, I still haven't been quite used to the handcuffed thing yet. I mean it's only been like a day." As Light Said those words he looked up and made eye contact with Ryuzaki. His face was flushed and Light quickly turned his head the opposite direction. "Uh sorry about that."

Ryuzaki opened his mouth to let out a few words. "It's fine. But I've noticed that you've been staring at me in an unusual way. You also avoids eye contact why is that? Are you hiding something from me? Could it be that you actually are Kira?"

Light shocked. "No no no. You've got it all wrong. Well maybe partially right but I am not Kira!"

"Then what is it?," Ryuzaki is still on top of Light pinning him down onto the bed. "All these signs... could it be that you like me?"

Light shocked well partially. He knew L would see right through him. He is very smart after all. There's nothing that can't stop him from getting an answer. "So what? Maybe I am."

"Ah I thought so, you made it very obvious. Don't tell Misa what's about to happen." Ryuzaki had a smirk on his face while saying those lines.

I'll let you think what happens afterwards try using your imagination! Sorry I'm leaving this here. This one shot fanfic was fun but it was also a troublesome since I did leave it in the dust for 3 months. Thank you all!

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