Chapter thirty three - Champ

Start from the beginning

"Where have you been?!" Dream asked quickly, pulling apart from me to look me in the eyes. He then pulled away completely when he heard a high pitched whine come from my arms. "And why do you have a dog?" He asked with genuine confusion.

I chuckled before responding. "Um, I sort of ended up further than I thought and on my way back I found this little guy in the woods. He's hurt." The last words coming out quietly.

"Oh...well in that case I guess it's yours now. Do you have a name for it?" He asked.

"No. I haven't even checked what gender it is yet." I said, my face heating up in slight embarrassment. He laughed at me before taking the small puppy himself and checking.

"He's a he." Dream stated before handing him back to me. The puppy growled at him, seemingly not liking the invasion of privacy.

"Well he's certainly a survivor. Aren't you? Yeah, your quite the champ right?" I looked back up at Dream to see him smiling at me. He had removed his mask and was watching me with a look that I couldn't quite place. "What?" I spoke with a small laugh to hide my embarrassment.

"Nothing, nothing at all." He said chuckling. I only narrowed my eyes at him. "Champ huh? That's a good name don't you think?"

"Yeah, that's perfect!" He laughed at my excitement. His smile slowly faded though and when I placed Champ on the bed he spoke up.

"Where did you go?" He said solemnly. "And why did you go?" He spoke with more anger this time.

I stood from the bed and took his hand in mine. I rubbed soothing circles on his hand while I tried to explain myself without giving away too much. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you but...I just couldn't stay in that room any longer. I felt like I was going to explode."

"I know how you felt. I felt the same way. I swear I could have killed Wilbur right where he stood at that moment." He grumbled the last sentence.

"Where is he now?" I asked shyly.

"In his room. He hasn't come out since you left." He stated.

"I need to talk to him." I said before starting to pull away from him. Instead he pulled me back towards him and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"You don't need to do it now. You just got back and it's late." He countered before leaning down and connecting our lips in a gentle kiss.

"You're right. It is getting late and if my memory serves me you need to get back to the castle." I said as I tried to pull away towards the door again. But as expected he just pulled me right back to his chest. Leaning down to my ear he whispered,

"I think George, Sapnap, and Eret can survive one night without me." I felt his breath fan across my neck making me shiver. He pulled away from my ear only to lock our lips once again. I laughed into the kiss at his desperation to keep me to himself.

"Fine. But tomorrow morning I need to talk to Wilbur and the rest of them." I replied when our lips parted for a second and I felt him smirk against my lips.

"Deal." He stated cockily before lifting me up over his shoulder causing me to squeal. It only lasted a second before he threw me onto the bed, scaring Champ who was curled up on the end. He then crawled in next to me and pulled my head onto his shoulder.

"Not fair." I muttered, sleep already tugging at my eyelids. He only chuckled before wrapping an arm around me and whispering a quiet goodnight.

. . .

"Wilbur?" I inquired as I knocked on the closed door that lead to his bedroom. Dream had left to check on how things were going at the castle so I took the opportunity to try and talk to my brothers.

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