Is This What Regret Feels Like?

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AN: Just a little thing before we start, I thought I'd mention something about my Narrator's design since he has a physical form now. He has a streak of hair that changes color depending on how he's feeling. Colors can range from Yellow (Happy/Excited), Blue(Sad/Upset), Red(Angry), Green(Jealous), and Grey(Numb/Neutral)
I promise these are important details. Alright, enjoy reading :D


Narrator droned on as they walked the seemingly endless corridors, Stanley tuning him out as they made their way to the Freedom Ending. It didn't take long for Narrator to slip into his speech about the way Stanley was under control all this time and how Stanley would shut down the machine. Stanley went along with it, it was part of his plan after all. He ran through as usual, looking around at all the screens shifting from the employee numbers to live video of empty rooms all around the building. He followed the path towards the 'ON' and 'OFF' buttons, waiting for Narrator to finish off his dialogue. Once Narrator was done, Stanley lifted his hand and pushed the 'OFF' button. Blackness. Silence.

"Yes, Stanley?"
"I need you to trust me and not reset the game once this door opens."
"Sure, I can do that."

There was a rumble as the building shook and a white light began filling the room. The large sliding door pulling from the top of the frame and slowly sinking into the ground. Stanley once again lead the way, watching the fake sky and clouds come into view. He had no idea if his idea would work, but it was certainly worth a shot. It had to be better than wandering aimlessly or throwing himself from ledges.

"What's your plan, Stanley?"
The door was fully open now. Of course, there was no way Narrator would leave something unpolished, but he assumed if he walked far enough, there might be somewhere to slip by the code. "My plan is to find a mess up so we can get by and leave."

Narrator nodded, his heart sinking in his chest. He tried to act natural, but he was never really good in that department. So, instead, he tried to help Stanley look around. Find an error in his own code.

Stanley wandered about freely in the open area. Even if it wasn't real, it was nice to have a taste of the outside world. Spending years...centuries inside made him feel like a caged bird with a cloth over its cage. If that bird had owners that spoke to him and gave him hope of being free but never following up on that promise. Stanley shook his head. Nope. This is getting too sad.
"Find anything yet?"

Narrator shook his head, "Nothing yet. Why would you think there would be a way out in this ending? I know it looks like the outside world but it's for the effect."

"Just an idea, okay? I thought maybe somewhere you fucked up the code. Of course I never get to check because you reset the game too quickly..."

"I'm sorry. Alright, I have a feeling we're getting close." Narrator's tone had changed slightly. Stanley noticed almost immediately, however, he couldn't pinpoint what had changed. Was He wouldn't do that. Stanley ignored his thoughts, following Narrator with his eyes. Narrator made his way down the short dirt pathway until he reached the end. He felt around for anything that could be pulled back and lead them out. Stanley decided to join him, he'd never been that far in anyway.

Just as he made his way over, Stanley noticed a tear in the fabric of the simulation. He reached out hesitating, and gingerly gripped at the edge pulling it back. A grin spread across his face as he saw what was beyond it.

"Narry! Narry, look! Our way out!"

Narrator turned to Stanley, his heart leaping into his throat.  "That's wonderful! Good work!" Stanley grabs Narrator's hand without thinking, catching him off guard as he was pulled closer to the portal. Narrator quickly ripped his hand way and backed up. Regret beginning to pool in his stomach. Puzzled, startled, Stanley turned to look at him.

"Come on, Narrator, we can leave now." Stanley urges with his thoughts. Narrator gives him a sad look, almost pitiful.
"Oh, Stanley...I can't."
"What? Sure you can, come on!"
Narrator shakes his head, "Stanley, I... I can't leave the parable. I'm trapped here. But can leave. You can be happy. You can be free! Just like we've always wanted."

Stanley stared at Narrator in shock and pain. They both stayed silent, letting it sink in. Stanley's eyes welled with tears as he realized, for once, his friend was being completely serious. There was no catch, no tricks. Narrator's streak of colored hair began to change colors, this time it was a fade from blue to yellow, indicating he was upset about this but somehow happy about it. Stanley glanced from his hair to his eyes thinking what to do next. This might be the last time he'd ever get to see him. It was his last chance to show him how he felt towards him.

Stanley inhaled sharply as he stepped forward, the tears not yet making it out of his eyes. He pulled Narrator into a tight hug, wishing this was all a dream. If it was a dream then maybe the pain wouldn't feel so bad. Though, he knew better than that. Narrator hugged Stanley back, keeping him close as if someone might take him away.

"Now listen closely, this is important," Narrator started, "when you leave this place, remember me. I can promise no matter how many more parables I make or how many others I bring to replace you, you will always be my favorite. It will always be The Stanley Parable."

As much as he didn't want to, Narrator pulled away holding Stanley's shoulders. "Goodbye, Stanley. I will miss you."
Stanley stared into the taller man's piercing white eyes as he did everything in his power not to cry. He gave a nod and a final thought.
"I'll miss you too, Narry."

Slowly, he turned back to the portal. His steps felt long and agonizing. He had hated this place for so long, but now that he was getting closer and understanding Narrator as a person it was like a shot through the heart. Narrator watched his companion step through and as soon as quickly as he was there, he and the portal were gone.

He didn't want Stanley to see the weakness in him while he was still there. Now that he was alone he felt as if he could finally let out his emotions. Though it felt wrong, lonely. His knees gave out under him and he collapsed to the ground pressing his hand to his mouth choking back the tears he felt coming on.

Stanley looked back at where the portal had been. A hollow feeling filling his chest. He signed to the empty alley wall in front of him.
"Thank you for everything, Narry."


I'm so sorry to make this chapter sad. We're not done yet though, I wouldn't end it like this. I'll have to leave a cliffhanger for now. Next chapter will be much better :]

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