Not So Bad After All

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Narrator watched as Stanley wandered through the building, coming to multiple places he's been in before. Subconsciously, a smile found itself onto Narrator's face. The smile was one of fondness, loving, calm. It was a grin of pure happiness. Stanley created that joy, just for simply existing. When he noticed he was smiling he shook his head and muted his microphone, beginning to panic.

"Oh no. No, no, no, no, no! Why am I having feelings?"

Narrator tried to calm his racing heart, trying to think of something to say or do but his mind just couldn't focus. Fortunately, or unfortunately, Narrator didn't have to start a conversation.

"Narrator? About what happened earlier...Why were you so afraid to reset?" Stanley thought as he made his way to the false Red or Blue ending. Narrator unmuted and stuttered a bit as he spoke.

"Well, I- You see, Stanley- ...The truth is... I was afraid I would forget what I said to you." Stanley stopped dead in his tracks. He hadn't expected that answer at all.

"I know I have been terrible to you. I trapped you here. But every time I hit that reset button I never know if I'll remember or not. I know you do. I have bits and pieces here and there, but my mind is like a redacted script. There are some sentences that are perfectly fine, then there are some that have blacked out marks. I'll never know what those were unless you told me. I didn't want to lose my chance to apologize to you. I didn't want to lose my chance at us being friends. I do truly care about you, Stanley. Without you...I'm lonely. I have no one to talk to. I just need to know someone is listening to me, regardless of how meaningless my rants are. That's why I was so afraid to reset."

Stanley waited for a moment to let the words sink in. Now he had all the more reason to beat himself up over putting the Narrator through the pain that he did. He wasn't sure how to respond. He certainly didn't want to make things worse.

"I suppose your voice isn't as annoying as I previously thought. I like your pointless rambling."

Narrator chuckled lightly, "Thank you, Stanley, I really appreciate that."

Stanley nodded, flashing a small grin. He came to a set of two doors, one red and one blue. He remembered how the blue ending went. Not so much the red ending though. He decided to go through the red door.

"Oh. This is one of my stories. that was meant for you."

In the middle of the room was a large circular platform dimly lit around the perimeter with what looked like stage lights. The rest of the room was pitch black aside from the pinpricks of light on the ceiling that looked like they were imitating stars. Stanley looked around and soon there were more lights that looked like waves of water and magma. He sat down on the ground crossing his legs as he gazed up at the holograms around him.


I know this is shorter than the other chapters but I am working on writing more! I'm just a bit busy with other things. If you'd like, you can check out the dubs I did for Stanley Parable! It's kind of a collab because I didn't make the art in those but I did voice it! My instagram is demon_prince_blake :) thank you for all your support I love you all <3

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