Taste Like Candy

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   "I did it, Eve." Eve's infectious laugh fills the space around them. Her laughter is soon replaced with the sound of bullets zipping through the air. Villanelle is hit.

    "The water. Eve. Get into the water." Villanelle and Eve throw themselves over the edge of the boat, right into the water.

Multiple bullets, slowed by the water, rip their way into Villanelle. Eve scrambles desperately to reach her but the water hinders her efforts.

Villanelle's blood mixes with the water surrounding them. Villanelle's body drifts away. Eve comes up for air. Twisting about, searching for Villanelle.

    "No. No!" Eve screams just before being forcefully pulled down into the water. Her yells soon replaced with gargles.


Yusuf, Eve's sort of boyfriend, rummages through her drawers. Looking for a note, a sign, anything that could lead to her wearabouts.

    "Where could you have gone." Yusuf caresses a photo of he and Eve from a year ago.

It had been about six months since he'd seen Eve. And, although this was not of any knowledge to Yusuf, it had also been six months since Villanelles death. As well as six months since the 12 were taken out.


Carolyn sits at a coffee shop just off of a pretty London street. There, she gazes out over the tourists and passers-by.

A person, as they pass, drops a tiny piece of paper into her tea cup. She is quick to retrieve it, whilst also trying to catch a glimpse of the messenger.

Carolyn dabs the tiny piece of paper with a table cloth. Once it's as dry as possible she tries to make out what it says.

Thank you. -Rockstar


A short woman with a bag over her head is being escorted down a dark, cold hallway by two large men.

    "Where are you taking me?" the woman says in a sharp and articulate voice. Eve's voice. The men finally come to a halt. Eve trips a little, not expecting the sudden stop.

Bang, Bang, Bang. The men wait patiently following the knocks. The peep hole slides open.

     "Password." A quiet voice says. "Shepherds Pie." One of the men utter. The door opens immediately.

Eve is thrown into the room. The door shuts promptly behind her. The woman with the quiet voice catches her.

    "Easy. Easy." The woman sits Eve down. Once Eve is settled the woman removes the bag. Eve let's out a big sigh.

    "Not who you were expecting?" The red curly haired woman chuckles. Eve had lost the will to laugh months ago. It seemed to have died along with Villanelle.

    "I can't take much more of this. From one handler to the next." Eve shifts in her seat. "Is it not enough you killed..." Eve stops short. "You plan to torment me to death on top of it all?"

    "Six months, I've been passed around. No one is telling anything and I haven't even had a chance to grieve properly."

The woman stands and exits the room. The room goes dark. A screen comes down from the ceiling. A video fades up.

A sad look spreads across Eve's face as her shoulders sink with devastation. "Villanelle." Eve grabs her chest in grief. The video starts.

    "Hi, Eve. I know you're probably confused. You should be." Eve's eye brows furrow together in grief, but also confusion.

    "I want you to know you're safe. As long as I am alive, you will always be safe." The video stops. The lights come up.

    "What? What does this mean?" Eve looks for the red headed woman to enter. "Hey! What does this mean? Hello?"

A tall, thin man comes in. Eve straightens her posture. "Eve. My name is Rubio. It's nice to finally meet you. Come with me. You're almost at your destination."

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