Chapter 25

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Y/n's pov

We see Alioth, now very angry, the wind blowing like crazy at us, the thunder and lightning coming from Alioth also.

"Okay, so what's the next move?" Mobius asks, raising his voice up.

"The TVA needs to be brought down. We don't know who created it or where they are, but that thing out there does. When it hit me earlier, I linked to it, it was brief, but I caught a glimpse of something, and I think if I can get close enough to it, I can enchant it, and it's gonna take me to whoever's behind all of this." Sylive says, bringing out her Tem-Pad from her back pocket and giving it to Loki, and he looks at for a moment.

My eyes start to tear up.

"I'm staying." He says, and I furrow my brows.

Mobius looks back to him.

"Loki, I don't know if this is gonna work."

"You go, I go."

He gives it to Mobius, and I start to tear up again.

"It's happening, guys. The branch will be right out there." Younger Loki says.

"I'll give you regards to Renslayer." Mobius says.

"Oh please do." Sylive says while rolling her eyes.

"You boys want a ticket out of here?" Mobius asks the Loki variants.

"No. We're staying here." Younger Loki says.

"This is our home." Older Loki adds.

Alligator Loki growls.

"You sure? What about Alioth?" Loki asks.

"We've survived this long. We know what we're doing." Older Loki says.

"Loki, you're going to need this on your journey." Younger Loki says, conjuring up a dagger for Loki. Loki just stares at it for a moment "Go on." Younger Loki said, and Loki took it, conjured up a backpack for the dagger, and put it in.

"Good luck. I hope you find what your looking for." Older Loki said, and Loki smiled at him, nodding his head, before he left, with Alligator Loki, and Younger Loki right behind him.

Mobius opens a portal after they left.

"Looks like you got away in the end." Mobius said.

"I always do." Loki responded and I smiled weakly.

"What will you do, in the TVA?" Loki asks.

"Burn it to the ground!" Mobius said. "Thanks for the spark." He adds.

"Well, see you later Loki." Mobius takes his hand out for Loki to shake.

Loki stares at his hand for a moment, before shaking his head, and pulling him into a hug. "Thank you my friend." Loki says.

Mobius smiles, then whisper's "You're my favorite." To which made Sylive smile weakly.

They end their hug, now it's my turn.

I start to tear up "Come here." Mobius gesture's his hand for me to hug him, which I gladly accept.

I squeeze him possibly a little to tight, tears rolling down my cheek. "I love you, Mobius, you'll always be my favorite partner." I chocked out.

"I love you too Y/n." Mobius said. I smiled weakly admiring him once more, before having to let him go by Loki rushing me. "Take care." Mobius whispered before going through the portal.

I started to cry even more, trying to compose myself.

Loki came and gave me a hug to comfort me "We'll see him again, I promise." He said, but the way he said 'I promise' was even unsure to him that he would keep that promise, at least he was trying, and that's all that matters to me.

We parted from the hug, and I got myself a little bit more composed, wiping my tears.

"When a branch appears, Alioth will focus on it." Sylive says while we're running towards it now.

"That's when I'll enchant it." She adds.

We stop, now a huge black cloud is right next to us with a bunch of thunder and lightning coming from it. It screeches, which is perching to hear.

"What if we don't have time to wait for a branch?" Loki asks.

"We'll have to cause a distraction." I say.

Loki put his hand on our shoulders, then nodded his head, I furrow my brows, then he runs towards Alioth.

"Loki!" I yelled, going to run towards him, before Sylive stopped me, shaking her head.

I can't lose another person I love!

Sylive uses her magic, making her hands glow green.

I make myself useful and also use my magic that no one knows I have until now.

A red light comes on my hands and I help Sylive out a little bit, making it back away little bit, by little bit. Sylive looked at me in shook, then back at Alioth, staying focused.

Then the clouds form to make a face of a monster looking thing, it hears Loki's screams of "Come get me!" And turns around, seeing him.

Loki stops as a green light comes, and Alioth follows that instead.

Someone is conjuring up all of Asgard.

"How is he doing that?" I and Sylive ask.

"I think we're stronger than we realize." Loki says.

As he conjure's up all of Asgard we hear him yell "Go!" As it echos around the whole place.

Sylive takes mine and Loki's hands "What are you doing?"

"We're going to enchant it."

"I don't know how!"

"You do. Because we're the same!"

We look at each other before Alioth tries to bite into the fake Asgard before it disappears before Alioth could bite it. It screams in frustration, as Loki grabbed some of Alioth, and I and Sylive use our powers together to enchant it, as the fake Asgard starts to disappear.

Loki's hands started glowing green, and red, as we started grunting, and taking deep breaths, getting harder to control.

We start seeing Alioth coming after us, before I close my eyes, not thinking we'll make it this far.

I hear silence.

Am I dead?

"Open your eyes." I hear Sylive say, as I open my eyes, I see Alioth, but it's all green and red.

Then we see the clouds opening, revealing a house.

We walk towards the house.

A/n yooo this is sooo sad :( I was literally crying when Mobius left he's one of my favorite characters (Other than Loki of course) in the series... anyway hope y'all enjoy :D

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