Chapter 6

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Y/n's pov

"Talking to that Variant is a mistake!" B-15 says.

"No that's your position!" I say.

"He should be reset!" B-15 states.

"I take the opposite-" Mobius start's

"You think everyone should be reset!" Mobius says.

"We're getting good stuff in there!" I say.

"You guys just lost another unit." B-15 said.

Mobius and I pause for a moment.

We walk through the doors, finished talking with B-15. "Okay Loki, I think we can finish up tomorrow, and just pick it-" Mobius and I stop as we don't find Loki in the room.

We check our pockets, and don't find our reset buttons anymore. "Oh crap." I say.

"Mischievous Scamp." Mobius says, before walking out the door.

"I wish I could say I'm surprised." B-15 goes, with a whole bunch of other TVA people following.

"Yeah, I wish you hadn't interrupted us, then none of this could have happened!" I spat.

"It's my fault?" B-15 asks.

"Duh!" I rolled my eyes.

"Look, he couldn't have gotten that far." Mobius says ignoring me, trying to find the bright side to this.

"Split up!" She tells us, and the rest of the group following us.

"And prune on sight." B-15 says, while me and Mobius go the other way.

"No! No pruning, no resetting, he can still help us!" Mobius says, while me, him, and two other TVA workers are running the other way.

We come into an elevator, and Mobius pushes TE7, and we start going up. "If she hadn't of interrupted us with her 'situation', none of this would have happened!" I spat.

"I agree." Mobius nods his head.

One of the TVA guards gets there pruner out and ready, before Mobius stops him. "No! No pruners! We can use some good information from this guy!"

The elevator stops, and we run out, seeing B-15 running with her pruner, the guards following, I turn to see Loki right next to Casey, and he's got something in his hand. The tesseract? Good luck using that.

B-15 runs with her pruner, going to prune Loki, before he use's a reset button. So that's where it went.

B-15 accidentally prunes a chair, right next to Casey instead, making Casey flinch. "Oh! You almost hit me! That's so messed up!" Casey says, while B-15 is unbothered, running toward's where Loki may have gone, Mobius, I, and the two TVA guards follow her.

"I do not forgive you!" Casey yells out, while we're running.

Loki's pov

I watch as Mobius and Y/n walk out the door, then I take out the resetting button thing that I took from them. "Ehehehe, thank you!" I said.

I turned it, then found myself in a hallway.

I turned around to see a orange portal open, and a person walks out of it. Then, I turn to my right, and I see a man with a white shirt, and orange pants, walking down the hall, I smirk, and start to follow him.

He walks through this door, and after a couple seconds, I open the door, and close it quietly, trying to find the man. He could be helpful.

I start walking, then I find him looking through some files. "Hey!" I whisper to the man. "Hey! I know you! Your that criminal-" the man starts "shhhh!" I tell him, while bringing him lower, now we're behind a desk so no one can see us.

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