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Thursday, 30 April, 2015

Dear Whatever,
I had just gotten out of school and am now home. My father asked me what was on my face and I replied, "stickers." Apparently he was upset and asked me why I would do such a ridiculous thing. I knew it was ridiculous but I just didn't want to give in so I responded to wanting to "stand out" from the crowd. My mother also thought it seemed pretty ridiculous of me to do that and comments, "People will make fun of you for that." I seemed to get offended then calmly replied, "well I shouldn't care what other people think because I am myself and if they want to make fun of me, then that is their problem not mine."
My father thought I was being rude and how I shouldn't have such an attitude when I was obviously just stating the truth. Long story short, we fought and I ripped the star shaped stickers off my face just to be done with such a stupid argument! What other parents argues with their child just for having stickers! Sorry father that I am such a disappointment in your life? Sorry that I am trying to have a childhood but you are just ruining it? Sorry that I'm not evil? Sorry that you make me go through mild depression? Sorry that I want to run away? And sorry that I wish I was fostered?
My mother is a great woman, though she can get on my nerves, I will always forgive and love her. Unlike my father. My mom gave away my flower pictures that we bought from the store to the neighbor next door since she has a baby girl and thought it would be nice to decorate it with my paintings that I grew out of. Once my mom finished talking with the neighbor she came into my room and told me how our neighbor wondered if I did baby-sitting. My mom replied with a yes and I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to have a nice job, my mom also thought how it would be nice if we both took CPR lessons so I could be certified in it in my baby-sitting career. I love children and animals so how could I disagree with what my mom told our neighbor?
Anyways, it is the afternoon and the day isn't quite over yet. Max is curled up in between my legs resting, he is such an adorable dog. What I love about dogs is how they are blind to the outside of a human and focuses on the love that comes from the inside. this makes dogs stay loyal to their owner by pure friendship. Although, I wouldn't call myself being an owner to Max, I consider myself his close friend from since he was just a small little pup. Dogs do not judge people by what's on the outside like what almost every human being in our society does, they look at what's on the inside.
That is what I call "true love."
Sincerely, Alanis.

Tuesday, 5 May, 2015

Dear Whatever,
So many things has happened but I just don't feel like sharing it. It can seem pretty odd in my perspective on how I am starting to view things in life. Ever since I moved here it's been different, having to make new friends, the struggle of fitting in. People think I am a happy girl on the outside but what they don't know is that it's just a cover up so I don't have to show people the real me. I am actually a deep person who is constantly in a train of thought. I like to write poetry and music but they just never seem good in my taste. We finally went to the beach three days ago since those rip tides cancelled our first attempt of a beach trip. It was fun considering I didn't have to go alone, I went with my friend whom she too seemed to enjoy the trip.
Yesterday, I got a message from "him" since a week. He explained to me that he couldn't contact me because his father doesn't have enough money to pay for Internet. I actually felt sorry for him since he couldn't use his electronics but when I kept thinking about it, I felt happy for him. I would at least want to go one day without my electronics, so that I could feel relaxed and think about the beautiful Universe we live in. Every night before I go to bed I like to search for new stars through my window and count how many can be seen in my perspective. I can't see many since of the light pollution from all the lights in cities, houses, and other buildings/places.
My dream would be to travel to a desert in the night. I would want to lay on top of the trunk of my car and just look up at the stars. Since I would be far away from light pollution, I would be able to see all the wonder our stars and even parts of the Milky Way Galaxy. If I saw a shooting star pass by, my wish would be for everything to go back to the way it was. For less lights and more darkness, less vain and more pure, less beauty on the outside and more on the inside, and for our minds to unravel together in helping one another in creating something beautiful. All that we have ever been doing was destroying nature and creating it artificially to hide us from the truth. Do you too share the same mind as I do? I am just so curious to as which there are actually secrets in our universe anymore.
I have always been wondering why people call us "emo." I like to think of it more as a fallen angel, a unique and rare quality which stands out to people in a vain way when we really are pure, maybe the purest of them all. When people ever ask me if I'm emo I always say "yes" but, in this diary it is not the case. I am a dead rose which has been reborn and made into a new hybrid, the rose that which never dies. I am the rose with petals as red as blood that symbolize savior. The dead rose has never died, it has been asleep for a thousand years and has just now woken up.
Sincerely, Alanis.

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