She sat up, "You're still talking to her?!"

"No, it was from a while ago. Don't worry, I haven't talked to her since the whole fight thing."

"Okay, good." She looked really relived and laid back down. She laid her head down on my shoulder instead of on the sand.

"I thought we weren't talking?"

"Neither of us gives enough of a fuck to stay mad. We're in Hawaii, we should be having fun."

"You're right." I wasn't even mad, I just wasn't going to be the one to speak first.


"Do you want to?" I pulled the pen out of my bra and held it out for her.

I didn't want to be a bad influence like Nia but I think she wanted to and just didn't want to ask. It's not like she hasn't done worse.

"It was in your bra?"

"We're best friends, grow up. You don't have to though, I just thought it would be rude not to offer." My mama taught me better.

"I kinda wanted to anyway, give it to me." I have it to her and she hit it.

I don't know if it was because we were laying down or she just wasn't used to it but she started coughing a lot.

"Shut the fuck up before you get both of us caught." She was sitting up now so I hit her back a couple times.

She laid back down after she finished coughing. "Damn, that almost took me out."

"I think you're good, just give it back."

"Let me try at least, I'm not a little kid." She rolled her eyes, she always wants to prove she's not a little kid because she looks like one. 

"Okay Aaliyah." I laid back and let her do her thing.

After a couple more coughing fits, she was done.

Aaliyah's a tiny girl so she has no type of tolerance for anything. She was gone.

"I miss her." I couldn't stop thinking about Nia after I saw that picture of her with the boy.

I was sick to my stomach. She told me she didn't even like boys.

She was the first person I almost had a relationship with, I did a lot of things for the first time because of her. Now my life is brining again.

"Stop being weak. You barely even liked that girl when you were with her, you're just bored."

"I think I'm in love with her."

We held eye contact before we both started laughing. We started to slap each other, it was that funny.

"Bitch you are not in love with her."

"I know, I just say anything."

"I'll beat that hoes ass again, she better not let me catch her out of school. I don't play fair, I don't give a fuck."

Aaliyah was laying on her stomach and I was laying on my back but we both had our heads turned so we could look at each other.

I slapped her bare back, that's why she needs to wear longer shirts. It made a loud slapping noise and she almost folded backwards.

"No more fighting."

"Hit me again watch what happens."

I hit her in the back again and that led to us tussling in the sand.

I beat her ass this time. She was high so she was moving extra slow.

It really felt like we were fighting in slow motion, it was so fun. We ended up in the same position we were in before we started fighting.

It was dark by now and they still probably didn't notice we were gone. Terrible ass mothers.

The way we were looking at each other was weird. I don't know if it was because we were high or not but it was strange. And new.

She sat up a little and grabbed my face. It was aggressive like she was trying to hurt me, her hands were just on the sides of my face. 

"Wha- what are you doing?" This was scary.

She shrugged, "I don't know. Don't you ever think-"

"Nope. I've actually never had a thought in my entire life. The only thing I can actually think avoid is my mother who's actually dating yours, remember?"


"I think we should go inside. They're probably looking for us, we don't want to get caught."

I slipped out of her grip and ran towards the beach house.

make sure you scroll all the way down



Blue and Aaliyah?

Blues thoughts on Onika?

Blue asking to go home?

Blue getting high then getting Aaliyah high?

Blue and Aaliyah's moment?

Any more predictions?


new book coming soon :)

new book coming soon :)

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